Table of Contents




Panama Canal Bonds

     The United States issued Panama Canal Loan bonds from 1906-1908. These bear 2 percent interest and were the last bonds issued that were allowed to circulate (“Coins and Currency”, 20).

Postal Savings Bonds

     The Act of June 25, 1910 which authorized the issue of Postal Savings bonds declared such bonds would not be receivable by the Treasurer of the United States as security for currency issued by the national banks (“Coins and Currency”, 20-1).

Gold Certificates

     Congress authorized the issuance of gold certificates by the Act of March 2, 1911. They were issued against the value of the gold bullion on deposit in the Treasury. The Act, however, limited the amount of gold bullion to one-third the amount of gold certificates outstanding. On June 12, 1916, Congress passed an Act changing the required amount to two-thirds (“Coins and Currency”, 17).

The Stability of Value

       People talk about the "good ole days" when grandfather spent 5 "cents" for a loaf of bread and when 5,000 "dollars" could buy a nice home. Values have not changed. Bread is no scarcer than in grandfather's day, nor are homes any more costly, for in grandfather's day 20 "dollars" in paper "money" could be exchanged for an ounce of gold --a 20 "dollar" gold piece.

     As of this writing, it will take approximately 350 "dollars" in paper "money” for an exchange of an ounce of gold. This is approximately 20 times the amount required in grandfather's day. This is the reason we spend about 95 "cents" for a loaf of bread, or about 20 times the amount grandfather paid. And, the equivalent housing that sold for 5,000 "dollars" then, will sell today for approximately 100,000 "dollars" or about 20 times as much.

God Cares

      God cares about banking. "All the weights of the bag are His work." (Proverbs 16: 11) For this reason He has established the Law of "a perfect and just weight and measure" as the governing principle of banking. In order to avoid the arbitrary fixing of values, God has established Law at its foundation. The rejection of this Law has produced inflation, debt and social unrest.

     If peace and tranquility is the desired end for society, government must be subject to the righteous Law of God by insuring integrity in the realm of economics. There is no way to do this but to willingly conform to the Law God has established.

      Obedience to God will result in peace and prosperity. Such fruit God bestows only upon the obedient.



"Coins and Currency of The United States." Published by the Office of the Secretary of Treasury, June 30,


Halleck, Reuben Post. History of Our Country. Copyright 1923. New York; American Book Company.

Henry, Matthew. Matthew Henry's Commentary On The Whole Bible. Vol.5 of 6 vols. New York: Fleming


Hicks, John D. The American Nation. Second edition. Copyright 1949. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The

Riverside Press.

Johnson, Roger T. Historical Beginnings -- The Federal Reserve. Sixth printing, July 1981 by the Federal

Reserve Bank of Boston.

Saussy, F. Tupper. The Miracle of Mainstreet. Copyright 1980. Sewanee, Tennessee: Spencer Judd


White, Horace. Money and Banking. Copyright 1895. Boston: Ginn and Company.

Wilber, Dave. Fool's Gold Is Green. Copyright 1982. St. Louis: Awake America.

Yeoman, R. S. 1962--A Guide Book Of United States Coins. Copyright 1961. Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman

Publishing Company.


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