18, 1521 --Germany. This morning, Luther prays, "God
Almighty! God Eternal! How terrible is the world! How it opens its mouth
to swallow me up! and how defective my confidence in Thee! How weak the
flesh; how powerful Satan! If I must put my hope in that which the world
calls powerful, I am undone!...The affair is decided and judgment is
pronounced! ...O God! O God! O Thou, my God! Assist me against all the
wisdom of the world! Do It: Thou must do it ...Thou alone ... for it is
not my work but Thine. I have nothing to do here; I have nothing to do
contending Thine with the mighty of the world! I, too, would like to
spend tranquil and happy days, But the cause is Thine! and it is just
and everlasting! 0 Lord! be my help! Faithful God, Immutable God! I
trust not in any man. That were vain. All that is of man vacillates! All
that comes of man gives way. 0 God! 0 God dost Thou not hear? ...My God!
art Thou dead? . . . No, Thou canst not die! Thou only hidest Thyself.
Thou hast chosen me for this work. I know it! Act then, 0 God! ...Stand
by my side for the sake of Thy well beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Who is my
Defense, my Buckler, and my Fortress.
"Lord, where standest Thou? ...0, my God, where art
Thou? Come! Come! I am ready! ...I am ready to give up my life for Thy
truth ...patient as a lamb for the cause is just, and it is Thine! I
will not break off from Thee either now or through eternity! ...And
though the world should be filled with devils, though my body, which
however is the work of Thy hands should bite the dust, be racked on the
wheel, cut in pieces ...ground to powder ...my soul is Thine, yea, Thy
Word is my pledge. My soul belongs to Thee, and will be eternally near
Thee ... Amen ... 0 God, help me ... Amen."
"They are not worthy of truth, who do not esteem
it to be precious."
18, 1546 --Germany. Today the Council of Trent declares,
“This synod ordains and decrees that henceforth Sacred Scripture, and
especially the aforesaid Old and Vulgate editions, be printed in the
most correct manner possible; and that it shall not be lawful for anyone
to print, or cause to be printed, any books whatever on sacred matters,
without the name of the author; or in future to sell them, or even to
possess them unless they shall have been first examined and approved by
the ordinary."
18, 1587 --England. John Foxe is so fully persuaded his death is near,
he has sent his two sons from home to avoid causing them grief. As he
has been assured, before they will return home, he will have entered his
eternal home.
John Foxe is the renowned chronicler of the Acts and
Monuments, better known by the title Book of Martyrs, though
poverty has forced him into the printer's trade. His masterpiece has
taken him eleven years to complete, and to assure accuracy, he has
written each line himself.
Sir Francis Drake will carry Bibles, Prayer Books, and
Foxe's Book of Martyrs aboard his ships, and John Bunyan, when
confined in the Bedford Jai1, will find great comfort in the Word of God
and his copy of the Book of Martyrs.
This work was written after having lived for a time in
Basle, Switzerland with some English refugees who had fled their
homeland to avoid fierce and cruel persecution. "If it be asked", he has
stated, "'Why was Abraham chosen and not Nahor? Why was Jacob chosen and
not Esau? Why was Moses elected and Pharoah hardened?' It cannot be
answered otherwise than this: because it was the good will of God."
"And", he will say on another occasion, "Whom God hath chosen, the same
He hath Justified."
His chronicler states, "His death occasioned great
lamentations throughout the city, and his funeral was honored with a
great concourse of people each of whom appeared to bewail the loss of a
father or a brother."
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