Abbott, Jacob
--Birth of, (Nov. 14); Death of, (Oct. 31)
Abeel, Rev. David (Feb. 16)
Abelard, Peter --opposed by Bernard of Clairveaux, (Aug. 20)
"Abide With Me" (Sept. 3)
Abington vs.
Schenipp --the United States Supreme Court rules as unconstitutional the
reading of the Bible, or the recitation of the Lord's Prayer in public
schools, (June 17)
of Christian Divinity (Oct. 28)
Absence from Church --the English Parliament imposes a fine for, (Jan.
Acadia --patent granted, (Nov. 8); British persecution of its French
inhabitants, (July 3); Edmund Burke of, (July 3);
George Bancroft of, (July 3)
Emancipation (Feb.17)
Indemnity (June 14)
Intolerance (March 1)
Six Articles (June 28)
Toleration (May 24)
--First: passed and its subsequent repeal, (Jan 21); Second: passed,
(April 6); Third: passed, (April 28); Fourth: passed,
(May19), cf. (Mar. 24)
Conventicle ActsFirst (July 1), cf. (Dec. 24) Second: (March 2), Felt,
(May 10), cf. Dec.24)
Act-passed, (Dec. 24); cf. (May 24), (Aug.1)
Cruelty to Animals
Act --passed, (June 29)
De Haeretico
Comburendo (Feb. 18)
Five Mile Act
--passed, (March 24); cf. (Dec. 24)
Irish Church Act
(July 26)
New Supremacy Act
(April 29)
Act--passed, (Oct. 28); abolished, (Dec.5)
Test Act--passed,
(Aug. 1); cf. (May 24)
Acts and Monuments --(See: Book of Martyrs)
Adalbert of Prague --his murder, (Apr. 23)
Adams, John
--Birth of, (Oct. 19); Second President of the United States, (Oct. 19);
of Liberty and Tyranny, (Oct. 19)
Adams, John
Quincy --of the American people, (July 4); his epitaph, (July 4)
Adams, Samuel
--Birth of, (Sept. 27); his godliness and penury, (Sept 27.); his
opposition to the Stamp Tax, (Sept. 27); his address to the Congress of
the United States, (Dec. 12)
(Nov. 13)
Adjar --(See: Samuel Crowther)
Adlischweiler, Anna --(Mrs. Heinrich Bullinger) (Oct. 11)
Gustavus --Birth of, (Dec. 9); raises Sweden from insignificance to the
head of Lutheran Europe, (Dec. 9); Defeats Tilly at Breitenfeld, (Sept.
7); grants a charter to South Company to colonize and evangelize in the
New World, (June 14); encourages German colonization in the New World,
(Nov. 6); Death of, and the subsequent jubilation of Urban VIII, (Nov.
Adrian VI --cf.
(Nov. 18)
Advent Christian Church --Founded, (Oct. 21); cf. (March 21)
Adventism --denounced by Marcus Whitman, (Nov. 5)
Adventists (March 21)
--publicly accuses and strikes Hierocles for outrages committed against
the Church, (Feb. 23); his subsequent death, (Feb. 23)
Afra (Aug. 5)
African Institution --Founded (July 29)
African Methodist Episcopal Church --founding of, (Nov. 6)
African Orthodox Church --founded, (Sept. 2)
Agassiz, Louis --Birth of, (May 28); his views on Creation, (May 28);
Death of, (Dec. 14)
Age Of Reason (Jan. 29)
Aitken, Robert --prints the first Bible in the New World, (Sept. 21);
its examination by Congress, (Sept. 1)
Alaric --leads the Visigoths in the sack of Rome, (Aug. 24)
Albert, Cardinal of Mentz --cf. (March 6)
Albert, Charles --secures permanent rights for the Waldensians, (Feb.
Albigensians --(See: Cathari)--the Council of Toulouse called against,
(Aug. 22); War of, cf. (Feb. 12); the murder of the Inquisitor Peter
Martyr of Verona, (April 6)
Albret, Jeanne
D' (Aug. 24)
Aldgild --cf. (Nov. 6)
Alembert, Jean le Rend D' (Oct. 5)
Alexander I (of Russia) --assists the Waldensians, (Aug. 1); introduces
Bible selections into Russian schools, (Nov. 16)
Alexander III
--submission of Henry II of England, (Dec. 29)
Alexander V --empowers Archbishop Sbinko to proceed against the Bohemian
Wycliffites, (Dec. 20)
Alexander VI --his licentiousness, (May 12); summons Savonarola to Rome,
(July 25); prohibits Savonarola to preach, (Oct. 16); excommunicates
Savonarola, (May 12); the murder of illegitimate son, and his professed
Repentance, (June 14); Pius II of, (May 12)
Archibald (Aug. 12); on the duty of professors, (Nov. 12); teaches
George Burrowes, (April 3); Death of, (Nov. 12); cf. (March 5)
Alexander, Mrs.
Cecil (Nov. 30)
Alexander, James --barred from representing John Peter Zenger, (Nov. 17)
Alexander, Joseph Allison --cf. (March 5), (Aug. 12)
Alexander of Parma --forces the surrender of Antwerp, (Aug. 17)
Alexius, Emperor --calls for aid against the Moslems, (Nov. 7)
Alexius, Patriarch --cf. (Nov. 29)
Alfonso VI --takes Toledo from the Mohammedans renaming it New Castile,
(May 25)
Alfonso XIII (Don) --grants toleration in Spain to Evangelicals, (June
All Saints' Day --(Greek)(Nov. 1)
All Souls' Day (Nov. 2)
Alleine, Joseph (Nov. 17)
Allenby, General Edmund --captures Jerusalem, (Dec. 10)
Allende, Salvador (Sept. 11)
Al-Mahdi --(See: Muhammed Ahmad) "Almost Persuaded" (Dec. 29)
Alstyne, Frances Jane Van --(See: Fanny Crosby)
Altar Call --instituted, (Aug. 29)
Alva --emigrates when the Netherlands accepts Protestantism, (July15);
arrives in the Netherlands to repress heresy with the sword, (Aug. 22)
Alypius (Nov.
13); baptism of (April 25)
Amadeus, Duke Victor II (of Savoy) --commands Catholicism be accepted by
the French people, (June 20); forbids the Reformed from religious
associations with the French people, (July 1) orders the French
inhabitants to quit the country, (July 1); cf. (Sept. 30)
"Amazing Grace"
(July 24)
Ambrose, Bishop of Milan --reared by his sister, Marcellina, (April 4);
influenced by Basil, (Jan.1); awakens Augustine, (Nov. 13); baptizes
Augustine and Alypius, (April 25); withstands the Empress, (April 4);
withstands the Emperors--Theodosius, (April 4); Gratian, (April 4);
Valentinian II, (April 4); preaches the funeral of Valentinian, (Jan.
23); Death of, (April 4)
Anti-Slavery Society --the constitution and Declaration of Sentiments
drafted, (Dec. 6)
American Baptist Missionary Union -Adoniram Judson affiliates himself
with, (April 25)
American Bible Society --organized, (May 8); conclusion of, (May 13)
American Bible Union (Jan. 20)
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (Feb. 11)
American Civil Liberties Union --attempts to prohibit the United States
Armed Forces chaplains from using references to God in lectures on
morality, (March 28)
American Council
of Christian Churches --founded, (April 7)
American Education Society (Sept. 28)
American Home Missionary Society (Sept. 28)
American Seal --approved by Congress, (June 20)
American Seamen's Friend Society --organized, (Feb. 16)
American Temperance Society --founded, (Feb 13); cf. (Sept. 28)
American Tract Society --cf. (June 13), (Sept. 28)
American Unitarian Association formation of, (July 19)
Ames, William (Amesius) --Death of, (Nov. 14); of. (July 7), (Oct. 28)
Amin, General Idi --prohibits church services in Uganda, (Feb. 20); bans
twenty-seven religious organizations while tolerating Moslems,
Anglicans, Roman Catholics, and the Uganda Orthodox, (Sept. 20)
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