"His love in time past
Forbids us to think
He'll leave us at last
In trouble to sink." --Unknown
Armenia --first country to accept
Christianity, (Apr. 24); bans Bibles and Christian books, (Apr. 24);
Moslem oppression of the Church, (Apr. 24); Turkey attempts the murder
of all Armenians within her borders, (Apr. 24)
Arminianism --The Five Points of,
(Oct.10), (Nov. 13); James Packer of, (Nov.13); the Remonstrance, and
its rejection as unscriptural by the Council of Dort, (Oct.10); resisted
in America by Jonathan Edwards (Oct. 10)
Arminius, Jacob –(Oct. 10)
Armitage, Thomas --Birth of, (Aug. 2); assists in founding the American
Bible Union, (Jan.20); publishes his History Of The Baptists,
(Jan.20); Death of, (Jan.20)
Arnaud, Antoine --Jansenism and his
subsequent flight, (Aug. 8); Death of, (Aug. 8)
Arnaud, Henri --Birth of, (Sept. 30); his Waldensian congregation
attacked, (Apr.30); counsels resistance to state persecution, (Sept.
30); his flight, (Sept. 30); the "invasion" of France, (Aug.16); Death
of, (Sept.8)
Articles of Marburg –(Oct. 1)
Arundel, Thomas --withstood by Sir John Oldcastle on account of his
burning the followers of Wycliffe, (Dec.14); the Constitutions of
Arundel, (Feb.19); Death of, (Feb. 19)
Asbury, Francis --Birth of, (Aug. 19);
lays the foundation for the first Methodist College in America, (Dec.
27); influenced by Richard Baxter, (Aug. 19); preaches his last sermon,
(March 24); Death of, (March 31). Excerpts from his Diary: (May
12), (June 18,20), (Aug.23, 30), (Sept.2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 17)
Ashwood, Bartholomew --open air service
disrupted by soldiers, (Sept. 13)
Assembly of Baptist Union --its evangelical basis drawn up and voted
upon, (Apr.23)
Assembly of God --organized, (Apr.2-12)
Associate Presbytery-- (See: Associate Synod)
Associate Synod --established, (Mar.6); founded by Ralph and Ebenezer
Erskine,(Feb.14);founds Associate Presbytery,(Dec.3); excommunicates
Ebenezer Erskine with eight others, (Feb.14) Association In Arms For The
Defense Of The Protestant Religion -- (Aug.23)
Association Oath –(Apr.27)
Assumption --the doctrine of, defined, (Nov.1)
Atahualpa --his arrest by Pizarro, (Apr. 25)
Athanasian Creed –(May 2); omitted by the Protestant Episcopal
Church, (Sept.12)
Athanasius --refuses the re-admission of Arius into the Church, and his
subsequent exile, (July 11); his return, (Nov. 23); his second exile,
(Mar.19); Julian enforces his fourth banishment, (Oct. 24); effects his
escape into Egypt when soldiers surround the Church of St. Thomas,
(Feb.8); his fifth exile, (Oct.5); Death of, (May 2); Gregory Nazianzen
of, (May 2)
Atrecht, Union of –(Jan.23)
Atwood, Harriet --(Mrs. Samuel Newell) –(Oct.10)
Aubigne, Jean Henri Merle D' --Birth of, (Aug. 27); student of Robert
Haldane, (Feb. 28); student of Neander, (Aug. 27); pens his History Of
The Reformation In Europe In The Time Of Calvin; and History Of The
Reformation In The Sixteenth Century, (Oct.20); Death of, (Oct. 20)
Auburn Affirmation --decries the
inerrancy and authority of the Bible, (Dec. 4)
Auburn Declaration –(Aug. 17)
Auca Indians --murder five missionaries, and their subsequent
conversion, (Jan. 8)
Augsburg Confession --drawn up by Philip Melancthon, (Feb.14);
completed, (May 11)
Augsburg Interim --passed by Charles V, (Feb.28); opposed by Martin
Bucer, (Feb. 28); resisted by Johann Brenz, (June 24)
Augustine, Aurelius --Birth of, (Nov.
13); the life and influences of, (Nov. 13); baptized by Ambrose, (Apr.
Augustine and Calvin –(Nov. 5)
St. Augustine --founded, (Sept. 1)
Augustinian Order --cf. (Nov. 13)
Austria --the Archbishop of Salzburg drives our the Lutheran community,
(Mar.13), (Oct.17); toleration is given favoring Protestantism (Oct.13);
acknowledges Protestantism granting religious freedom, (July 9); confers
civil and religious rights upon Protestants, (Apr.8)
Authorized Version --(King
James Version) the Hampton Court conference, (Jan. 16); the list of
translators completed, (June 30)
Auto da fe –(May 21)
"Awake! My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve" – (June 26)
"Awaked By Sinai's Awful Sound" –(July 14)
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