Bernadino –(May 1)
Bernard of Clairveaux --opposes Peter
Abelard, (Aug.20); preaches the Second Crusade, (Mar.21); pens, "Jesus,
The Very Thought Of Thee," and "Jesus, Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts,"
(Aug.20); and "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded," (Mar.12); Death of, (Aug.20)
Berquin, Louis de --Death of, (Apr.17)
Berridge, John --Birth of, (Mar.1);
awakened, (Mar.1); leaves the Calvinistic Connexion (Aug.24); John
Wesley of, (Feb.5), (May20); Death of, (Jan.22)
Bethel flags –(June 22)
Bethesda Orphanage –(Mar. 25)
“Bethlehem" –(Mar.28)
Bevern --cf. (Dec.5)
Beyschlag, Willibald --founds the Evangelische Bund, (Oct.5)
Beza, Theodore --Birth of, (June 24);
conversion of, (June 24); taught by John Calvin, (Oct.13); leaves Paris
following the Massacre at Vassy, (May 7); presides at the Seventh
National Synod of France, (Apr.2); makes a Latin and Greek translation
of the New Testament, (Oct.13); with William Farel visits the
Waldensians, the Huguenots, and the city of Worms, (Oct.13); grants
asylum to Protestants fleeing St. Bartholomew Day Massacre, (Oct.13); of
Andrew Melville, (Aug.1); Death of, (Oct.13); his body threatened with
degradation is buried in a monastery, (Oct.13); cf. (Aug.24)
Bianchi –(Jan.27)
Bibb, Thomas –(Sept.27)
Bible Characters – (Jan.7)
"Bible Men" --(See: Lollards)
Bible Presbyterian Church --founded, (Apr.7)
Bible Societies
American Bible Society --founded, (May 8) Bible Society of London
–(Aug.29) British and Foreign Bible Society --founded, (May 4) National
Bible Society of Scotland –(July 3) one founded at Philadelphia
Biblical Commission --decrees faithful Roman Catholics may read
Scripture from certain versions for devotional purposes, (Aug.22)
Bickersteth, Edward --cf. (Aug.23)
Bill For Establishing Religious Freedom
--introduced by Thomas Jefferson, (June 12); adopted, (Jan.16); enacted,
(Jan.16); prohibits Slavery, (Jan.16)
Bill Of Rights --the first amendment to
the Constitution of the United States is introduced guaranteeing freedom
of worship, cf. (Aug.8)
Bilney, Thomas --his opposition to relic
worship, and the invocation of the saints, (Nov.25); his opposition to
image worship, (Aug.19); his subsequent arrest and imprisonment,
(Nov.25); his influence upon Hugh Latimer, (Nov.25); his recantation and
remorse, and subsequent re-imprisonment, (Nov.25); Death of, (Aug.19)
Bingham, Hiram – (Oct.23)
Bishop, Bridget --found guilty of witchcraft, (June 2)
Bishops' Bible --a revision of the Great Bible, (Oct.5);
cf. (May 17)
Bismarck, Otto Von --cf. (Sept. 21)
Blake, Dr. Eugene Carson --the Blake-Pike Proposal and its repudiation
of the authority of Scripture, (Dec.4)
Blaurock, George –(Jan.21)
"Blessed Assurance! Jesus Is Mine!"-- (July 10)
"Blest Be The Tie That Binds" –(July 25)
Bliss, Philip --Death of, (Dec.29)
Blood, Caleb --on the anomaly of a profane magistrate, (Oct.11)
Bloody Assizes – (Sept.1)
Bloody Mary --(See: Mary Tudor)
Bloody Mary of Madagascar --(See: Ranavalona I)
The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for Cause of Conscience—The
controversy of, (July15)
Boardman, Sarah --(Mrs. Adoniram Judson)—(Apr.10)
Bodies of Divinity
A Complete Body of Practical Divinity- (May 24)
A Body of Practical Divinity –(July 28)
Boehme, Jacob --Birth of (Apr.24);
influence upon George Foxe, (Nov.17); Death of, (Nov.17); his grave
desecrated, (Nov.17)
Boer War –(Feb.2)
Boers –raid the site of the mission
station of David Livingstone, (Dec.8); begin the “Reformed" Church in
South Africa, (Feb.10)
Bohemia --(See: Czechoslovakia) –sues
Emperor Sigismund for peace, (May 29)
Bohemian Brethren --toleration of, forbidden, (July 5)
Bohemian Congregational Church --organization of, (Mar.28)
Boleslas II (of Poland)--denounced by
Bi-shop Stanislaus for his cruelty and licentiousness, (May 8);
excommunication of, (May 8); the murder of Bishop Stanislaus, (May 8)
Boleslaw --his insurrection in Bohemia,
(Sept.28); his treacherous murder of King Wenceslaus, his brother,
Boleyn, Anne --marriage of denounced by
Hugh Latimer, (Oct.16)
Bolshevik Revolution --its outrages committed against the Church,
(Nov.7) Bolshevism --(See: Communism)
Bonagratia –(May 25)
Bonar, Andrew --Birth of, (May 29);
marriage of, (Apr.4); the influence of -Edward Irving, (Aug.4); with
Robert Murray McCheyne visits Palestine, (May 29); at the funeral of his
brother, (July 31); completes his notes on Leviticus, (Oct.2);
Charles Spurgeon of, (Oct.2); finishes his Memoir Of Robert Murray
McCheyne, (Dec.22); Death of, (Dec.30)
Bonar, Horatio --Birth of, (Dec.20);
joins the Free Church of Scotland, (May18); ordination of, (Nov.30); the
influence of Edward Irving, (Aug.4); Death of, (July 31)
Bonar, John --recomends Brownlow North,
(Mar.14); assisted by Robert Murray McCheyne, (Nov.24)
Boniface I --opposes Pelagianism, (Apr.30)
Boniface IV --receives the Pantheon from
Emperor Photius, and renames it "Our Lady of the Church of the Rotunda,"
(May 13)
Boniface --"Apostle to the
Germans"--expels the anti-Roman priests from Hesse and Thuringia, (June
5); protected by Charles Martel, (June 5); Death of, (June 5)
Bonner, Edmund --summons Bernard Gilpin,
(Mar.4); deposed as Bishop of London, (July20); reinstated by Mary,
(July 20); persecution under, (Sept.5); imprisonment of, under
Elizabeth, (Sept.5); Death of, (Sept.5)
Book of Common Prayer –(June 9);
first used in America, (June 24); Massachusetts Governor Edmund Andros
orders it be read in a Massachusetts meeting-house, (Mar.25); discarded
by Parliament, (Jan.3); the Second Prayer book of Edward VI,
(June 9); cf. (May 19)
Book Of Concord –(June 25)
Book Of Martyrs --carried aboard ship by Sir Francis Drake,
(Jan.25); comforts John Bunyan in prison, (Apr.18)
Book Of Prophecies –(Oct.12)
Boom, Corrie Ten –(Feb.28)
Booth, S. H. --cf. (Jan.18)
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