Chubbuck, Emily --(Mrs. Adoniram
Judson)-- (July 11)
Chuma and Susi--discover the body of David Livingstone, (May 1)
Church of England --{See: Anglican)
Church of God in North America --(See: Winebrennarians)
Church of Our Lady of the Rotunda (May 13)
Church of St. Sophia --the separation of the Roman Catholic and the
Greek Orthodox churches, (July 16)
Church of the Desert -- (See: Huguenots)
Church of the United Brethren in Christ (Nov.16)
The Church's Quarrel Espoused (Apr.8)
Cibo, Giovanni Battista (See: Innocent VIII)
Cieplak, Archbishop --imprisonment of by the Bolsheviks, (Nov.7)
City of God (Nov.13)
Civil Constitution of the Clergy (July 12)
Clarendon Code --passed, (Dec.24); cf. (Mar.15)
Clarendon Constitution --passed, (Oct.1); resisted by Thomas a Becket,
Clark, Rev. Francis E. --founds the Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor, (Feb.2); introduced into France,
Clarke, Adam --his first sermon, (June
19); questioned by John Wesley, (Sept.25); marriage of, (Apr.17);
President of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary meeting, (Dec.1); Death
of, (Aug.26); Robert Hall of, (Aug.26)
Clarke, John --Birth of, (Oct.7); flees
the Religious oppression in England, (Oct.7); alligns himself with Anne
Hutchinson's group, Oct.7); with William Coddington petitions Roger
Williams for the right to settle on Rhode Island, (Oct.7); pens the
Rhode Island charter, (Mar.14); fined for protesting the demand for
conformed public worship, (July 20); writes, Ill News From New
England, (Oct.7); secures the Rhode Island charter from Charles II,
Clarke, William Newton --his perverse
theological influence upon Harry Emerson Fosdick, (May 24)
Claudius II --cf. (Feb.14)
Clayton, Thomas --his appeal to the Philadelphia Baptists to return to
the Church of England, and their Response, (Sept.26)
Clement V --Removes the Papal court to
Avignon, (Apr.20); Death of, (Apr.20)
Clement VII --succeeds Adrian VI,
(Nov.18); op-poses Charles V and his subsequent capture (May 6); denies
Henry VIII a divorce, (July 28); his policy of vacillation offends
Henry, and the resulting split between England and Rome, (Nov.18)
Clement XI --issues a Bull proclaiming a
crusade against the Camisard Huguenots, (May 1); issues the Bull
"Unigenitus" granting the laity the use of the Bible, (Sept.8); cf.
Clement XIII --cf. (Dec.5)
Clement (Apr.11)
Clementines --burned by Luther, (Dec.10)
Clerc, Nicolas Le --cf. (May 20)
Clinton, James (Oct.18)
Clovis --the influence of Chlotildis and
his subsequent conversion, (July 10); his vision and victory and
subsequent baptism with three thousand of his soldiers, (Dec.25);
summons the Synod of Orleans, (July 10)
Cobham, Lord --(See: Sir John Oldcastle)
Coddington, William --with John Clark
petitions Roger Williams for the right to settle on Rhode Island,
(Oct.7); cf. (Apr.7)
Code of 1541 (July 25)
Code of Justinian --condemns Anabaptism, (Jan.4)
Coke, Thomas --Birth of, (Sept.9);
ordination of, (Sept.2); ordains Francis Asbury, (Dec.27); arrives in
New York, (Nov.3); assists in the founding of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, (Dec.24); Death of, (May 3)
Colenso, John Williams --impugns the authority of the Pentateuch and his
subsequent trial for heresy. (June 20); Death of, (June 20); cf. (July
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor --of Jeremy
Taylor, (Aug.13)
Colgate College --its Liberalism, (May 24)
Colgate-Rochester Divinity School its Liberalism, (May 24)
Coligny, Andelot --cf. (Mar.19); brings his brother, Gaspard, to Christ,
(Aug. 10)
Coligny, Gaspard --Birth of, (Feb. 16);
saves Paris, (Aug.10); his capture and ransom, (Aug.10); the conversion
of, (Aug.10); his attempts to secure freedom of worship: (Aug.21),
(Aug.26), (Dec.13); attempts the capture of the king and queen-mother,
(Mar.13); the battle of St. Denis and the subsequent Peace of Longjumeau,
(Mar.13); the Seventh National Synod, (Apr.2); Count Palatine Wolfgang
joins forces with, (June 11); seeks relief for French Protestants,
(Sept.18); encourages Huguenot colonization in Brazil and Florida,
(Sept.1); his murder attempted, (Aug. 24); his murder, and the St.
Bartholomew Day Massacre, (Aug. 24); his daughter marries William of
Orange, (Aug.24); cf. (Jan.15), (Mar.19)
College of New Jersey --(See: Princeton)
Collins, Charles Terry --founds the first Slavic mission in the United
States, (Dec.21); Death of, (Dec.21)
Collins, William --his condemnation and banishment, (Sept.7); Death of,
Colquhoun, John Jan. 1)
Columba --Birth of, (Dec.7); brings Brude, king of Picts, to Christ,
(Dec.7); Death of, (June 9)
Columbia University --opens, (July 16); its charter granted, (Oct.31)
Columbus, Christopher --his Creed and
Confession, (May 20), (Oct.12); preaches to his men aboard ship, (May
20); the declaration of the intent of his voyages, (Nov.27); pens
Book Of Prophecies, (May 20), (Oct.12); on San Salvador, (Oct.);
Death of, (May)
Colyer, Vincent --proposes the Unite
States Commission to aid Civil War Soldiers in the field, (Feb.11)
"Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing" (June 9)
Comenius, John (Nov.15)
Cominus, Mathias (Hungary) --authorized by the Pope to resist Bohemia,
Commission of Oyer and Termines --cf. (June 10)
Commission of Triers (May 19)
Common Sense (Jan.29)
Communism --the Bolshevik Revolution,
(Nov.7); the Communist Party in Russia passes the Law On Religious
Associations demanding the Registration of all churches, (Dec.21); the
bloody and bloodless murders under Stalin, (Dec.21); the exile of
Christians under Stalin, (Dec.21); the suppression of Religion in
Latvia, (June 16); in Lithuania, (July13); the persecution of the Church
under the Nationalist Chinese, (Mar.27); the establishment of the
"Socialist Paradise" in North Korea, and the subsequent oppression of
Christianity, (Apr.26); an attempt to effect a military coup in
Indonesia is thwarted, (Oct.1); the suppression of Religion in Cambodia,
(Apr. 21); the persecution of the Church in Cuba, (May13), (July 17);
condemned by Plus IX, (Dec.8); condemned by Pius XI, (Mar.19), (May15)
Compactata (Jan.4)
Company of New France --of. (Dec.25)
Concordance (Nov.1)
Of 1516 --Francis I delivers up
France to Pope Leo X, (Aug.18); protestation of, (Mar.18)
Of 1801 --Napoleon delivers up France to Pope Pius VII, (May13)
Of 1862 --admits Evangelical Reformed clergy into several Swiss
cantons, (Feb.19)
Of 1862 --The President of Venezuela delivers up the country to Pope
Pius IX, (July 26)
Of 1933 --Hitler guarantees religious liberty to German Catholics,
(July 20)
Of 1953 --Spain signs agreement with Pope Pius XII proclaiming
Catholicism the sole religion of the Spanish nation, (Aug.27)
Of 1954 --The Dominican Republic signs agreement-proclaiming
Catholicism the religion of the Dominican people, (June 16)
Of Worms --settles the Investiture question, (Sept.23)
Conde, Henry --cf. (Sept.15)
Conde, Louis de Bourbon --at the Seventh
National Synod, (Apr.2); his life a scandal to the Huguenot party,
(Mar.12); seizes the city of Orleans, (May 7); seeks relief for French
Protestants, (Sept.18); seeks foreign aid, (May 7); his capture in the
Battle of Dreux and his subsequent signing of the Treaty of Amboise
Calvinism, (Mar.12), (Mar.19); the Battle
of Jarnac, and his treacherous murder, (Mar.12)
Confession of La Rochelle --(See: Gallican Confession)
Confessions (Nov.13)
Confessions of Faith
Auburn Confession (Aug.17)
Augsburg Confession (May 11)
Belgic Confession (May 31), adopted by the Council of Dort,
Gallican Confession (Apr.2)
London Confession (July 11)
Philadelphia Confession (July 11)
Savoy Confession (Sept.29); adopted by the Second Boston
Synod, (May12)
Second Helvetic Confession (Sept.17)
Westminster Confession --cf. (July 11), (Aug.20)
Congo, Belgian --(See: Zaire)
Congregation of Rites renews the
excommunication against Henry IV, (May 25); denounced by Charles III for
its professed sovereignty over the secular power, (May 25)
Congregational Church --sends the first
missionaries to Hawaii, (March 30); liberal members of form the American
Unitarian Association, (July 19)
Connecticut --adopts the Savoy
Confession, (May 12); cf. (Mar.17); Assembly of proclaims a general
fast, (Feb.16); oppression under Governor Edmund Andros, (Oct.31);
Captain Joseph Wadsworth preserves its charter, (Oct.31); the purpose
drafted for the founding of Yale College, (Nov.11); first celebrate a
day of Thanksgiving, (Sept.18); encroaches upon neighboring Rhode
Island, (July 9); the arrest and imprisonment of Elisha Paine, (Nov.21)
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