"Though He slay me, yet will I trust in
-Job 15:15-
Gillespie, George (July 1)
Gilmore, Rev. Joseph (Mar.26)
Gilpin, Bernard --his Providential preservation, (Mar.4)
Glencairn --his assertion of the right of
the Scottish people to break their allegiance with a sovereign who
breaks his promises to the people, (May 10)
Glorious Revolution --its Causes,
(Nov.5); its Results, (Feb.13)
"Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken" --(Austria's National Hymn)
Gloucester Journal (Dec.16)
Glover, Mrs._____--executed for bewitching four children, (Nov.16)
Gobel, Archbishop --his apostasy and Death, (Nov.7)
"God Moves In A Mysterious Way" (Apr.25)
Godfrey of Bouillon (July 15); cf. (June 3)
Goetwater, Rev. John Ernest (June 6)
Goodwin, Thomas --Birth of, (Oct.5);
presents to Parliament a Directory For Public Worship, (Dec.21);
preaches before Parliament, (Feb.24); (Apr.27); chaplain to Oliver
Cromwell, (June 7); attends Cromwell upon his Death-bed, (Feb.24);
President of Magdalene College, (Jan.8); at the Westminster Assembly,
(July 1); the Savoy Confession -appointed, (Sept.29); approved,
(Oct.12); his influence upon John Cotton, (Feb.24); Death of, (Feb.24)
Gordon, General Charles (Jan.26)
Gordon, General J. B. (Sept.6)
Goths --brought under the pale of Rome, (Oct.3); Totila captures Rome,
Gould, Thomas --his fine and imprisonment
for absenting himself from Anglican worship, (Apr.17); the banishment of
and subsequent imprisonment, (May 28)
Gourges, Dominique de (Sept.2)
Grant, President Ulysses S. --of. (Aug.19)
Granvella, lmperial Chancellor demands the surrender of Johann Brenz,
Gratian --withstood by Ambrose, (Apr.4); of. (Aug.9)
Great Awakening --cf. (Mar.22); Second Great Awakening, (May14)
Great Bible --superintended by
Miles Coverdale, (Feb.19); attacked by the Inquisitor-General, (Dec.17);
revision of, known as the Bishops' Bible, (Oct.5)
Great Ejection (Aug.17)
Grebel, Conrad (Jan.21)
Greece --Saracens capture the city of
Thessalonica, (July 30); the first Sunday School opened, (June 29); the
guarantee of freedom of worship for Greek Protestants and the subsequent
reaction by the Orthodox Church (June 29)
Greek Society for the Prevention of the
Cruelty to Animals, (June 29)
Greek Orthodox Church --the separation
from the Roman Catholic Church, (July 16); declares the Bishop of Rome
to be the Head of the Church, (July23)
Green, Ashbel --Birth of, (July 6);
conversion of, (July 6); the Disruption of 1837, (July 6); assists in
founding Princeton Seminary, (July12); drafts the Constitution for
Princeton Theological Seminary, (May 19); edits the Christian
Advocate, (May 19); Death of, (May 19)
Green, William Henry --cf. (Aug.12)
Greenwood, John --imprisonment of, (Apr.6)
Gregorian Calendar --Old Style dating, (July 16)
Gregory VII (Hildebrand) --the
excommunication and penance of Henry IV, (Jan.24); the excommunication
renewed by Benedict XIII, (May 25)
Gregory IX --succeeds Honorius III,
(Sept.29); the excommunication of Frederick It and his flight before the
king, (Sept.29); the second excommunication of Frederick, (Mar.24)
Gregory XI --issues a Bull against John
Wycliffe, (May 22)
Gregory XIII --his jubilation for the St. Bartholomew Day Massacre,
Gregory Nazianzen (Jan.1)
Gregory Nyssa (Jan.1)
Grellet, Stephen --induces Alexander I to
introduce Bible selections into Russian schools, (Nov.16); urges
Protestantism upon Pope Pius VII, (Nov.16); Death of, (Nov.16)
Grenville, George --defends the right of
Great Britain to tax America, (Jan.14)
Grief, C. E. --introduces Christian Endeavor into France, (Jan.17)
Grimshaw, John --Death of, (May 17)
Grimshaw, William --Birth of, (Sept.3);
halts the annual races in Haworth, (Apr.7); with John Wesley attacked by
a mob, (Aug.24); William Romaine of, (Apr.7); the testimony of his son,
(May 17); Death of, (Apr.7); Henry Venn preaches his funeral, (Apr.7)
Grindal, Archbishop Edmund --refuses to
suppress Puritan Prophecyings, (Dec.20)
Grotius, Hugo --of the Religious oppression in Europe, (May18)
Guetzlaff, Karl Friedrich August --the
influence of Robert Morrison, (July 8); translates the Bible into Wen-li,
(July 8); translates the Gospel of John into Japanese, (Aug.9); Death
of, (Aug.9)
"Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah"
Guilds --the attack on the monastery at Niesing, and the call for the
abolition of their economic competition, (May 22)
Guise, Cardinal Charles --the Massacre of Yassy, (Mar.1)
Guise, Duke Francis --the Massacre of Vassy, (Mar.1)
Guise, Duke Henry --the murder of Gaspard Coligny, (Aug.24)
Gunpowder Plot (Nov.5)
Gurnall, William --cf. (Jan.11)
Gurney, Brodie (July 13)
Gutenberg, John --completes his Latin Psalter, (Aug.14); completes his
forty-two line Bible, (Aug.24); Death of, (Feb.3)
Guthrie, Thomas --cf. (Aug.23)
Guthrie, William --taught by Samuel
Rutherford, (Oct.10); pens The Christian's Great Interest,
(Oct.10); John Owen of, (Oct.10); Thomas Chalmers of, (Oct.10); its
influence upon John Brown of Haddington, (Oct.10)
Gutwasser, Johannes, (July 6)
Guyon, Madam --Birth of, (Apr.13); her correspondence with Fenelon,
(Aug.6); her imprisonment, (Apr.13); Death of, (June 9)
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