Hoover, Herbert --affords protection for
Chinese Christians fleeing the fury of the Boxers, (Aug.10)
Hopkins, Oceanus --Birth of, (Dec.11)
Hopkins, Samuel --Birth of, (Sept.17);
taught by Jonathan Edwards, (Dec.20); flees before the French and Indian
War, (Sept.17); flees from the British during the War for Independence,
(Sept.17); opposes the institution of slavery and submits a plan for
their colonization, (Dec20); Death of, (Dec.20)
Houston, Sam --Birth of, (Mar.2);
conversion of, (Mar.2)
House of Wisdom –(June 4)
Howard, Catherine - - (July 28)
Howard, John --assists in forming the Lon-don Sunday School Union, (July
13); the influence of William Wilberforce, (Aug.24)
Howe, John, cf. (June 23)
Howie, John –(Nov.14)
Howland, John –(Dec.11)
Hubbard, Samuel --his assessment of King Philip's War, (Sept.29)
Hubbard, William --cf. (Oct.28)
Hubmaier, Balthazar --persecution by Ulrich Zwingli, (Mar.10); Death of,
(Mar.10); the subsequent drowning of his wife, (Mar.10)
Huck, Captain --his attacks upon Presbyterians, (June 7)
Hughes, George –(July 3)
Hughes, Rev. Joseph --founds the British and Foreign Bible Society. (May
Huguenots --THE HUGUENOT WARS: attacked,
(Sept.2); a petition for toleration, (Aug.21); the Massacre of Vassy,
(Mar.1); The First War of Religion- (Mar.19); the Battle of Dreux, and
the capture of the Prince of Conde, (Mar.12). The Second War of
Religion- (Mar.12); Count Palatine Wolfgang raises an army to assist,
(Sept.18). The Third War of Religion- (Mar.12); Count Palatine Wolfgang
joins forces with Gaspard Coligny, and the count's subsequent death,
(June 11); the Battle of Jarnac, (Mar.12); the end of, (Aug.2). The St.
Bartholomew Day Massacre, (Aug.24); the death of Charles IX, (May 30).
The Fifth War of Religion, (Sept.15). The Sixth War of Religion,
(Sept.15). The Seventh War of Religion, (Apr.15). The Eighth War of
Religion, (Oct.20). THE EDICT OF NANTES: signed (Apr.15); revoked
(Oct.18). Forbidden by Louis XIV to conduct synods without permission,
(Oct.10); Louis XIV forcibly takes supposedly "converted" Huguenot
children from their parents, (Oct.24); forbid-den to leave the country,
(Oct.24); the dragonnades, (Apr.18); Louis XIV declares them to be loyal
subjects, (May 21); the king forbids Huguenot women to serve as
midwives, (Feb.20); intermarriage between Protestants and Roman
Catholics prohibited, (June 20); Louis XIV declares Protestantism
non-existent in France, (Mar.8); their entire "conversion" declared,
(Mar.29); persecution of by Fenelon, (Aug.6); Cardinal Mazarin renews
edicts in favor of, (May 21); opposed by Cardinal Richelieu, (Sept.5);
forbidden to assemble in a place when it is visited by the Bishop or
Archbishop, (July 31); the fall of Rochelle, (Oct.28); the Battle of the
Boyne, (July 1). THE CAMISARDS: attacked, (Apr.29), (Aug.8), (Aug.8);
attacked by Marshal Montrevil, (Apr.1); the arrest of Claude Brousson,
(Oct.30), the Camisard retreat discovered, (Dec.5); the death of Jean
Cavalier, (May 18); the ordination of Antoine Court, (Nov.21); the first
synod called to re-establish the "Church In The Desert", (Aug.21);
forbids women to preach, (Aug.21); the Death of Antoine Court, (June
15); a General Synod held, (May 16); the Seventh National Synod,
(Apr.2); the Gallican Confession, (Apr.2); the Eighth National
Synod, (May 6); the persecution of Jean Fabre, (Jan.1); Clement XI
proclaims a crusade against, (May 1); the Massacre of Vernoux, (Dec.12);
the brutality of the persecution against, and the subsequent rise of
Rationalism, (Oct.17); join the Waldensians in exile in Switzer-land for
an "invasion" of their homeland, (Aug.16). IN EXILE: the testimony of
the inhabitants of Rye, England, (Apr.18); settle in South Africa,
(Apr.6); a patent is granted to Monsieur de Monts for the founding of
Acadia. (Nov.8); British persecution of the Acadiana, (July 3); Samuel
de Champlain, (Dec.25); welcomed by South Carolina who grants them full
citizenship, (May 1); cf. (Mar.10), (Mar.29); their settlement in
Georgia massacred by the Spanish, (Sept.2); liberally assisted in the
establishment of new homes by Massachusetts, (Mar.29); welcomed by New
York, (Mar.29); the contribution of Peter Faneuil, (Mar.29)
Hult, Ralph --labors in Tanzania, (May
19); Ger-man raiders sink his ship while in mid-ocean during World War
II, his rescue and return to the field, (May 19)
"Humani Generis" –(Aug.12)
"Humanum Genus" --condemns the Masonic order, (Apr.20)
Hungary --accepts the Reformation under
Rudolph II, (June 22); restrictions under Matthias, (May 23); Jesuits
imported by Archbishop George Draskovich, and the subsequent persecution
under General Baste and Count Belgiojoso, (June 23); resistance in
Transylvania under Stephen Botskai, (June 23); religious freedom
acknowledged by Matthias, (June 23); the Diet of Pressburg, (June 23);
Charles III recognizes unrestricted use of the Bible, (Nov.1);
resistance by the Jesuits, (Nov.1); the burning of the Bibles, (Nov.1)
Hungarian Reformed Church in America
--organized, (Oct.7)
Hunt, Asa --the persecution of, (May 28)
Huss, John --Birth of (July 6); the
influence of the Lollards, (Dec.31); conversion of, (July 6); summoned
by Emperor Sigismund to Constance and draws up his will, (Oct.11);
enters Con-stance, (Nov.3); his Safe Conduct violated, and he is
imprisoned, (Nov.3); his "Prophecy" and death, (July 6); Luther's
condemnation of his Death, (July 6)
Hussites --Pope Martin calls for a
Crusade against, (Feb.16); victorious over the Germans, (June 16);
Eugenius IV proclaims a Fifth Crusade against, (Aug.14); the Council of
Basel, (Jan.4); the Hussite Wars end, (May 29); toleration of forbidden,
(July 6); the Moravians, (Aug.17)
Hutchinson, governor (Massachusetts)
--declares the power of government must be understood as absolute,
Hutchinson, Anne --her doctrinal tenets
tried, (Aug.30); protected by Sir Henry Vane, (June14); opposed by John
Wilson, (Aug.7); condemnation of by the Newtown Synod, and her
subsequent banishment, (Aug.30); her murder by the Indians, (Aug.30);
cf. (Sept.7)
Hutchinson, Edward --cf. (Sept.4)
Hutchinson, Francis --(Mrs. William Collins) condemnation, banishment
and Death of, (Sept.7)
Hyde, Alvin –(Mar.22)
Hyde, John –("Praying Hyde") –(Feb.17)
Hyde, Robert --his sentence of Benjamin Keach, (Oct.8)
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