Jackson, Thomas Jonathan
--("Stonewall")--Birth of, (Jan.21); the execution of John Brown of
Harper's Ferry assault, (Dec.2); conducts a Sunday School for negroes,
(Jan.21); at Manassas, (July 22); sets aside a day for fasting and
prayer by the Army, (Aug.14); wounded, (May 3); mortally wounded, (May
James V (Scotland) --cf. (Dec.8)
James I (James VI of Scotland) --Birth
of, (June 19); his baptism as a Roman Catholic, (June 19); his
philosophy of government, (June 19); marriage of, (June 19); calls the
Hampton Court Conference, (Jan 16); receives the list of Bible
translators, (June 30); appoints fifty-four scholars to translate the
Scriptures, (July 22); the persecution of causes John Robinson to flee
with his congregation to Holland, (Dec.11); the Millenary Petition,
(Jan.14); inform-ally agrees to allow the Pilgrims alone in America,
(Dec.11); exiles convicts and orphans to Virginia, (June 10); demands
the acceptance of the Five Articles of Perth, (Aug.25); Andrew Melville
of, (June 19); cf. (July 20)
James II (James VII of Scotland)
--receives a petition by William Penn calling for an end to all
ecclesiastical and political persecution, (July 30); passes the Second
Declaration of Indulgence, (Apr.4); the persecution of the Scottish
Presbyterians, (May 8); the Battle of La Hogue, (May 24); flees before
William III, (Apr.27); his alliance with Louis XIV, (Sept.21); his
flight from the Battle of the Boyne, (July 1); the bombardment of
Teignmouth, (July 26); the Battle of Sedgemoor, (July 6); its aftermath,
(Sept.1); the Treaty of Ryswick, (Sept.21); his imprisonment of the
seven bishops and his subsequent overthrow, (Sept.21)
James (Aragon) (June 30)
James, John Angell --enters a theological
academy through the assistance of Robert Haldane, (Oct.1); of Charles
Finney, (Oct.1); Death of, (Oct.1); R. W. Dale his successor, (Oct.1);
cf. (Aug. 23)
Jamestown --beginnings, (June 10); warned
by a converted Indian of an impending attack, (Mar.22)
Jamieson, R. (July 3)
Jansenism (Aug.8); the death of Antoine Arnauld and the succession of
Pasquier Quesnel, (Aug.8); condemned by the Bull Unigenitus", (Sept.8);
Blaise Paschal, (Aug.19)
Japan --the annexation of Korea, and the
conversion of to Shinto, (Apr.26); its oppression of the Church,
(Apr.26); Forty-two Pentecostal preachers arrested, (July 26); General
Douglas MacArthur declares the separation of Church and State, (July
26); prohibits Religious instruction in the schools (Aug.3); the Supreme
Allied Commander directs the removal of all restrictions upon Religious
liberties, (Oct.4)
Jarratt, Devereux (May 3), (May 7),
Jasper, John --Birth of, (July 4); conversion of, (July 25); Death of,
(Mar. 30)
Javenal --successfully leads a band of three hundred Waldensians against
three thousand Royalists, (June 15)
Jay, John --the opening of the New York Supreme Court, (Sept.9)
Jay, William (Dec.27)
Jean, Archbishop --expels Waldensians from the city of Lyon, (May 31)
Jeanrenaud, Cecile --(Mrs. Felix Mendelssohn), (Nov.4)
Jefferson, Thomas --his Creed, (May 31);
(June 26); the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom, introduced,
(June 12); adopted, (Jan.16); of the first General Assembly meeting of
Virginia, (Oct.7); proposes the public school system, (Oct.28); counters
the proposal by Richard Henry Lee to endow General George Washington
with dictatorial powers, (May 28)
Jeffries, George --the cruelties of known
as the "Bloody Assizes", (Sept.1); arrests Richard Baxter, (Feb.28); of
Richard Baxter, (Sept.1)
Jenkyn, William --arrested with John
Flavel, (Sept.2); Death of, (Jan.19)
"Jenkyn's Farewell", (Jan.19)
Jennings, Samuel --his encounter with a shark and his subsequent
conversion, (Feb.19); baptism of by Elisha Callender, (Feb.19)
Jerome (Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus)
--teaches Gregory Nazianzen, (Sept.30); attacked by Pelagians, and his
subsequent flight, (Sept.30); of the decree of Valentinian I threatening
with punishment the clergy and monks guilty of immorality, (July 30);
the Vulgate, (Sept.30); Death of (Sept.30)
Jerome (martyr at Smithfield) (July 30)
Jerome of Prague --a disciple of John
Huss, (May 16); recants the teachings of John Wycliffe, (Sept.11);
retracts his recantation, (Sept.11); Death of, (May 16)
Jerusalem Chamber --the meeting of the
Westminster Assembly, (July 1); the prophecy regarding the death of
Henry IV, (Mar.20)
Jesuits --(See: The Society of Jesus)
"Jesus, And Shall It Ever Be" --cf. (Dec.28)
"Jesus Calls Us" (Nov.30)
"Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken" (Sept.4)
"Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross" (Mar.24)
"Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee" (Aug.20)
"Jesus, Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts" (Aug.20)
Jewell, John --teaches Richard Hooker, (Nov.2)
John (The Apostle) --boiled in oil and
his subsequent banishment to the Isle of Patmos, (Jan. 27); recalled
from exile, (Jan.27); (Sept.18); cf. (Feb.23)
John (England) --delivers England and
Ireland to the Pope, (May 18); forced to sign the Magna Carta,
(June 15)
John XXII --declared a heretic by William of Occam, (May 25)
John XXIII --reverses the decision of the Council of Paris against
tyrannicide, (Feb.23)
John of Nepomuk --his refusal to surrender to the king information
committed to him, (May 16); his murder, (May 16)
John, Griffith (Dec.14)
Johnson, Archibald (July 1)
Johnson, Isaac (July 30); cf. (Apr.7)
Johnson, Marguerite --(Mrs. Gabriel Contessee) (Sept.4)
Johnston, General Joseph Eggleston (July 30)
Jones, Sam --Birth of, (Oct.16); in Augusta, Georgia, (Oct.15); Death
of, (Oct.15); cf. (Dec.5)
Jones, Samuel (Sept.27)
Jones, Miss Sarah -- (Mrs. Thomas Charles), (Aug.20)
Joseph II --condemns the assertion Papal
authority is sovereign over secular authority, (May 25); warned by Pius
VI, (Aug.3); Issues the Edict of Toleration, (Oct.29)
Joseph, William --his defense of the
"Divine Right" of the Proprietary government of Maryland, (Aug.23)
Josip, Metropolitan --his murder, (Nov.29)
Jovian --his relaxation of the restrictions against the Church, (June
Juarez, Samuel --the murder of, (Apr.13)
Juda, Leo --his influence upon Heinrich Bullinger, (Sept.17)
Judson, Adoniram --Birth of, (Aug.9);
marries Ann Hasseltine, (Feb.5); petitions the General Association of
Massachusetts in the interest of foreign missions, (June 25); sails for
India, (Feb.19); arrives by ship in Calcutta, (June 17); arrives by ship
in Burma, (July 13); his imprisonment and torture, (July 13); his
baptism by immersion and subsequent leaving of the Congregational
Church, (Sept.6); Joins the American Baptist Missionary Union, (Apr.25);
begins worship in Burmese, (Apr.4); baptizes the first Burmese convert,
(June 27); the Karens, (June 27); his arrest for preaching, (June 8);
marries Mrs. Sarah Boardman, (Apr.10); completes the translation of
Scriptures, (Jan.31); marries Emily Chubbuck, (July 11); sails on his
third voyage to Burma, (July 11); the American Board of Commissioners
for Foreign Missions, (Sept.28); returns to the United States, (Oct.15);
Death of, (Apr.12); cf. (May 20)
Julian (the Apostate) --his outrages
against the Church, (June 26); the banishment of Athanasius, (May 2);
his attack on Christian Education, (June17), (Oct.28); renews the
banishment of Athanasius, (Oct.24); Death of, (June 26); cf. (June 27)
Julian Calendar --Old Style Dating,
Juliana --shelters Origin, (June 17)
Julien of Toulouse --his apostasy and Death, (Nov.7)
Julius II --declares Papal elections won through bribery to be null and
void, (Feb.11)
Julius III --re-opens the Council of Trent, (Dec.13)
"Just As I Am" (May 9)
Justinian --sets the standard for Orthodoxy, (Mar.15), cf. (Dec.17)
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