London Baptist Association --Charles
Spurgeon withdraws from, (Apr.11)
London Company --erects a cross on Cape Henry, (Apr.29); cf. (Dec.11)
London Confession Of Faith –(July 11)
London Missionary Society --sends out James Chalmers, (Apr.8); sends out
Griffith John, (Dec.14)
London Sunday School Union --formation of, (July 13)
Londoun, Earl of --his persecution of the Acadians, (July 3)
The Long Parliament –(Nov.3)
Longer Catechism –(Sept.15); adopted by the Scotch Assembly,
(July 2)
"The Lord Is My Shepherd, No Want Shall I Know" –(Nov.4)
"Lord, Speak To Me, That I May Speak" –(Dec.14)
Los Von Rom –(Nov.5)
Lothair II --introduces Christianity into the Frankish kingdom, (Nov.5)
Louis VI {Germany) --expels the Reformed, (Jan.10)
Louis IX (France) --defeats a Mohammedan
Army during the Sixth Crusade, and his subsequent capture together with
his Army, (June 3); his Death by the Plague during the Seventh Crusade,
(June 3)
Louis XI (France) --cf. (Mar.8)
Louis XIII --besieges Montauban, (Oct.17)
Louis XIV --(The Most Christian King) --
and Madame de Maintenon, (Mar.29); cf. (Mar.8); imprisonment of Madame
Guyon, (Apr.13); condemnation of Fenolon, (Mar.12); the revocation of
the Edict of Nantes, (Oct.17); prescribes the penalties for those who
relapse into Protestantism, (June 20); prohibits intermarriage between
Huguenots and Roman Catholics, (June 20); takes forcibly supposedly
converted Huguenot children from their parents, (Oct.24); forbids
Huguenots to leave the country, (Oct.24); forbids them to conduct Synods
without first obtaining permission, (Oct.10); acknowledges the loyalty
of his Protestant subjects, (May 21); forbids Huguenots the exercise of
their right to hold worship worship when a place is visited by the
Bishop or Archbishop, (July 31); cf. (Sept.30); declares the entire
conversion of the Huguenot population, (Mar.29); declares Protestantism
non-existent in France, (Mar.8); the Battle of the Boyne, (July 1); his
aid to James II, (May 24); the Treaty of Ryswick, (Sept.21); the
brutality of persecution and the rise of Rationalism, (Oct.17); cf.
(Apr.13), (June 30)
Louis XV (France) --cf. (Dec.5)
Louis (The Fat) --introduces Christianity into Czechoslovakia, (Jan.13)
Louisburg, Battle of –(May 1)
Love, Christopher --Death of (Aug.22); his funeral preached by Thomas
Manton, (Aug.22)
Lovell, James –(Dec.25)
Loyola, Ignatius --the Battle of
Pampeluna and the subsequent change in his life, (May 20); pens
Spiritual Exercises, (May 20); founds the Society of Jesus, (May 20)
Lucar, Cyril –(June 26)
Ludwig I --orders all soldiers to kneel be-fore the Host, and the
ensuing Kneeling Controversy, (Aug.14)
Ludwig, Duke Hermann –(Aug.19)
Lull, Raymond --(Lully) –(June 30)
Luther, James --cf. (May 5)
Luther League of America --founded, (Oct.30-31)
Luther, Martin --Birth of (Nov.11);
enters the Augustinian monastery, (July 17); admitted as a licentiate of
theology, (Oct.18); first preaches in the black gown of scholars,
(Oct.9); his ordination as a priest, (May 2); the nailing of his
Ninety Five Theses, (Oct.31); the Disputation of Leipsic, (June 27);
cf. (July 6); preserved from an assassin, (July 17); conversion of, cf.
(Dec.28); arrives in Wittemberg after combating the Papal legate at
Augsburg, (Oct.30); Erasmus of, (Dec.5); his reaction to Erasmus'
Praise of Folly, (July 12); summoned to Worms, (Mar.6); his counsel
to Melancthon before leaving for the Diet of Worms, (Apr.2); his arrival
in Worms, (Apr.16); his prayer, (Apr.16); George of Freundsberg of,
(Apr.16); his condemnation of the murder of John Huss, (July 5); his
escape from Worms, (Apr.26); declared an outlaw, (May 26); his kidnap,
and identity as Knight George, (May 5); his denunciation by Henry VIII
and the burning of his writings by Cardinal Wolsey, (May 6); pens "A
Mighty Fortress Is Our God", (Apr.14); the appearance of his German New
Testament, (Sept.21); leaves the Wartburg, (Mar.3); reenters Wittemberg,
(Mar.7); publishes The Babylonian Captivity Of The Church,
(Oct.6); the Papal Bull is published against him, (June 15); burns the
Bull, (Dec.10); publishes his Against The Bull Of Antichrist,
(June 15); his excommunication, (Mar.28); news of his ex-communication
reaches Germany, (May 6); publication of a Second Bull of
Excommunication, (Jan.6); marriage of, (June 11); his eulogy of Albrecht
Durer, (Apr.6); finishes the Magnificat, (Mar.10); his Larger
Catechism (the "First Table"), (Jan.20); the Smaller Catechism,
(Mar.16); publishes An. Appeal To His Imperial Majesty And The
Christian Nobility Of Germany On The Reformation Of Christianity,
(June 24); brings Heinrich Bullinger to the Scriptures, (Sept.17); of
celibacy, (Nov.11); his attack upon the Papal claim as the Vicar of
Christ, (Nov.9); of the Universal Priest-hood of Believers, (Nov.9); of
Civil authorities, (Nov.9); of forced "conversions", (Nov.9); of the
people's right to choose their pastors, (Nov.9); his encouragement of
emigration to lands where religious liberty can find a home, (Nov.9);
breaks relations with Zwingli, Bucer and Capito on account of their
views on the Lord's Supper, (May 21); the Conference of Marburg,
(Oct.1); the letter sent to the Elector Frederick, (Feb.8); settles a
mining dispute, (Jan.23); Death of, (Feb.18); the funeral of, (Feb.22);
his body discovered, (Feb.14); his influence in the conversion of John
Wesley, (May 24); his influence in the conversion of Charles Wesley,
(May 21)
Lutheranism --The Augsburg Confession,
(May 11); the Council of Marburg, (Oct.1); the Book of Concord,
(June 25); the Edict of Bavaria, (Mar.5); the Battle of Pavia, (Feb.24);
the Schmalkald War, (Feb.28); the Augsburg Interim, (Feb.28); the
Wurttemberg Agenda, (Oct.5); the Synod of Breslau, (Apr.4); the
Second Synod of Breslau, and the subsequent imprisonment of its
participating ministers, (Apr.4); full religious liberty recognized in
Brandenberg, (May 6); opposition by Johann Sigismund, (Dec.18); the
French Parliament votes against, (May 20); the intent of Charles V to
crush them, (Mar.23); threatened by Charles V and his subsequent death,
(Sept.21); the expulsion from Austria by the Archbishop of Salzburg,
(Oct.17); their appeal to the Emperor, (Oct.31); the arrest of those
protesting their expulsion from Austria, (Aug.5); thirty thousand
families exiled from Czechoslovakia, (Nov.8); exiles received by
Frederick William I of Prussia, (Mar.23); welcomed by General James
Oglethorpe into Georgia, (Mar.23); denied freedom of worship in New
Amsterdam, (June 6); freedom of worship recognized in New York,
(Dec.16); Pastor Kavel and Pastor Fritzsche lead emigrants to Australia,
(Apr.4); Mr. Grabau enters the Buffalo Synod, (Apr.4); the Synod of
Pennsylvania founded, (Aug.26); the General Synod organized as the
"Pro-posed Plan", (Oct.22); the Missouri Synod founded, (May 7); first
meeting of, (Apr.26); the St. Louis Bible Society founded, (May 7); the
"International Lutheran Hour" founded, (Oct.2); American Lutherans send
John Christian Frederick Meyer to India, (Nov.7); reject the guarantee
of Hitler for religious freedom, and establish their own Free Synod,
(July 20); the Ninety-Five Theses of Claus Harms attacking the
Rationalism within the Lutheran Church, (May 25)
Lyre, Henry –(Sept.4)
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