Pizarro, Francisco --the storming of
Cuzco and the subsequent arrest of Atahualpa, cf. (Apr.25)
Placius, Petrus --his effectiveness as an evangelist and his assistance
in the founding of the Dutch East India Company, (May 15)
Plan Zeta –(Sept.11)
Platonism --its influence upon Augustine, (Nov.13); Elgin Meyer of,
(Nov.13); Philip Schaff of, (Nov.13)
A Plea for the Non-Conformists –(Nov.29)
Pliny, the Younger --maintains state religion while oppressing the
Christian Church, (Jan.27)
Plutschav, Henry --the baptism of the first five Protestant converts in
India, (May 12)
Plymouth Brethren --founded, (Nov.18);
persecution of in Switzerland, (Nov.18); the controversy between the
"Bethesda" and the "Exclusives", (Nov.18)
Poissy, Religious Conference of –(Sept.9)
Pocahontas --her rescue of Captain John
Smith, (May 6); her capture by Captain Samuel Argall, and her subsequent
conversion under John Rolfe, (May 6); her baptism and subsequent
marriage, (May 6); sails for England, and her subsequent death, (May 6)
Podiebrad, George – (Mar.21)
Poland --Jesuits gain the ascendancy
under Sigismund III, (Aug.28); the Conference of Thorn, (Aug.28);
Ladislas IV acknowledges freedom of conscience to Protestants, (Aug.28);
invaded by Russia and the resulting persecution under, (July 18); the
Polish Church attempts a compromise with the Communists, (July 18);
freedom of conscience affirmed though denied, (July 18); the arrest and
subsequent release of Cardinal Wyszynski, (Sept.29)
Pole, Archbishop Reginald --the
condemnation of Nicholas Ridley, (Oct.16)
Poliander, Johannes --Birth of, (July5); his conversion to the
principles of the Reformation, (July 5); establishes Protestantism in
Prussia, (July 5)
Polish Protestant Church --organized,
Polk, Leonidas --Birth of, (Apr.10); conversion of, (Apr.10); organizes
the first "Praying Platoon" at West Point, (Apr.10); Death of, (July 30)
Polycarp –(Feb.23)
Pomeranus --performs the marriage of Catherine Von Bora and Martin
Luther, (June 11)
Pomeray, Seth –(May 1)
Pompey --cf. (July 10)
Pontiac --cf. (Nov.17)
Ponticianus –(Aug.23)
Pontifex Maximus --cf. (Dec.11)
Pontifical Biblical Commission --declares Genesis 1-11 to be History and
not Myth, (June 30)
Poole, Matthew --his assassination
attempted, and his subsequent flight to Holland, (Oct.2); Charles
Spurgeon of, (Oct.2); Death of, (Oct.2)
Popish Plot –(July 12)
Port of London Society --organized, (Mar.18)
Port Royal --founding of, (Nov.14)
Porter, John --his expulsion from the Virginia Assembly on account of
his favorable attitude towards Quakers, (Sept.12)
Pot, Philip --cf. (May 20)
Potter, Archbishop John --his ordination of John Wesley, (Sept.19)
Poulat, Captain --effects the escape of beleaguered Waldensians,
Powhatan --cf. (May 6); the capture of Captain John Smith, (May 6)
The Practice Of Piety –(Oct.26)
Prague, University of --its condemnation of the writings of John
Wycliffe, (May 4)
"Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven" –(Sept.4)
The Praise Of Folly –(Feb.7); Luther trembles at it, (July 12)
"Prayer Is The Soul's Sincere Desire" –(Nov.4)
"Praying Hands" –(Apr.6)
"Praying Hyde" –(Feb.17)
"Praying Platoon" –(Apr.10)
Prentiss, Elizabeth Payson –(Aug.13)
Presburg, Diet of –(June 23)
Presbyterian Church Of America --(See: Orthodox Presbyterian Church)
Presbyterianism --the English Parliament
adopts it as the state Church, (Apr.3); the first Presbytery formed in
Ireland, (June 10); the Westminster Assembly, (July 1); the Scots
Assembly adopts the Westminster Larger Catechism, (July 2); the
Exeter Assembly, (Oct.18); the English Presbyterian Society sends
William Chalmers Burns to China, (June 9). 1.) Ebenezer Erskine and
three others secede from the Church of Scotland and form the Associate
Synod, (Nov.16); the Associate Presbytery founded (Dec.3). 2.) The
Associate Reformed Synod of the South organized at Ebenezer, (May 9).
3.) The General Associate Synod --Thomas McCrie withdraws from,
(Aug.28). 4.) Thomas McCrie founds the Constitutional Associate
Presbytery, (Aug.28). 5.) The Synod of Original Seceders, (Aug.28). 6.)
The Reformed Presbyterian Synod, constituted, (May 24). 7.) The General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States Of
America, founded, (Dec.4). 8.) The Reformed Presbytery, (Aug.1). 9.) The
Presbytery of the Canadas, formation of, (July 9). 10.) The Orthodox
Presbyterian Church, founded, (Apr.6). 11.) Rev. Carl McIntyre withdraws
from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and founds the Bible Presbyterian
Church, (Apr.7). Philadelphia Presbyterians express their griefs at the
oppression of Great Britain, (Oct.8); Presbyterians singled out for
particular persecution during the American War for Independence, (June
7); the Hanover Presbytery argues with the Virginia Assembly for full
religious freedom, (Oct.23); John Ball, (Oct.20); a Royal Charter
granted for the founding of the College of New Jersey (Princeton),
(Oct.22); the Dissolution of the Springfield Presbytery, (June 28); the
Old School exscinds the New School Synods of Utica, Geneva, and Genesee
in New York, and the Western Reserve in Ohio, (Aug.17); the Auburn
Declaration, (Aug.17); the Philadelphia Presbytery requests the
Presbytery of New York to correct the situation created by the
Liberalism of Harry Emerson Fosdick, and the direction of the General
Assembly toward the same Rationalism, (May 24); the denial by the New
York Presbytery of any wrong doing in allowing Mr. Fosdick to remain in
the Presbyterian Church, (May 24); the "Famous Five", (May 24); the
Auburn Affirmation and its rejection of the inerrancy and authority of
the Bible, (Dec.4); the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church,
United States of America, and its affirmation of the inerrancy of the
Bible, (Dec.4); the Presbytery of New Brunswick presented with evidence
of Modernism within the Presbyterian board, (Apr.6); its revocation of
the ordination of J. Gresham Machen, Charles Woodbridge, and Carl
McIntyre, (Apr.6); the founding of the American Council of Christian
Churches, (Apr.6); the founding of the International Council of
Christian Churches, (Apr.6); persecution of in Mozambique, (June 13);
persecution of in Mexico, (Dec.7)
Preston, John --his influence upon Thomas
Shepard, (Nov.5)
Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory –(Aug.4)
Primitive Methodist Church –(Jan.6)
Prince of Music –(Feb.2)
Princeton College --(College of New
Jersey)-opens, (Aug.12); charter granted, (Oct.22); the drafting of the
Constitution for the theological seminary, (May19)
Proclamation Society --founded, (Aug.24)
Procopius --succeeds John Trocznowski (Ziska) –(Oct.11); defends the
Bohemians against the Germans, (June 16); victorious at the Battle of
Reisenberg, (Aug.14); at the Council of Basel, (Jan.4); defeated while
commanding the Taborites, (May 29)
Prohibition Act --passed, (Oct.28); repealed, (Dec.5)
Prophetic Utterances --break out in the congregation of Edward Irving,
Prophesying –(Dec.20)
Proposals of 1705 –(Apr.8)
Proposed Plan –(Oct.22)
Protestant Episcopal Church --founded,
(Nov.30); adopts the Thirty-Nine Articles, omitting references to
the Athanasian Creed, (Sept.12); sends John Liggins as the first
Protestant missionary to Japan, (May 11); the Reformed Episcopal Church
separates from, (Dec.3)
Protestantism --origin of, (Apr.24);
Protestants allowed to worship outside the walls of French cities under
the protection of the law, (Jan.17)
Providence Plantations --a charter is
granted, (Mar.14)
Provincial Letters –(Aug.19)
Provoost, Dr. Samuel -Crefuses to ordain James Freeman, a Socinian,
Prynne, William --writes his
Histriomastrix and his subsequent mutilation, imprisonment and fine
at the instigation of William Laud, (Feb.7); his second condemnation and
subsequent mutilation, fine and imprisonment, (Feb.7); his release by
the Long Parliament, (Feb.7); as Solicitor at the trial of William Laud,
Puglia, Francesco da --his challenge to
Savonarola to an ordeal by fire, (May 23)
Pulcheria --ends the schism in the Church of Constantinople, (Jan.27);
cf. (June 27)
Purim, Feast of --cf. (Feb.23)
Puritans --the persecution of Thomas
Cartwright, (Dec.10); the oppression of Charles I, (Jan.10), (Jan.30);
persecution under William Laud, (Jan.10), (Jan.30); persecution under
Queen Elizabeth, (Jan.10); the suppressions of Prophesying, (Dec.20)
Pusey, Caleb --averts an Indian massacre,
Pusey, E. B. --instigates the Oxford
Declaration affirming the doctrines of Biblical Inspiration and of
Eternal Punishment, (Feb.24)
Putnam, Israel --cf. (Oct.18)
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