Rittenhouse, William --establishes the
first paper mill in America, (Feb.18); Death of, (Feb.18)
Riverside Church (of New York) --its use of Unitarian literature under
the pastorate of Harry Emerson Fosdick, (Apr.6)
Robertrenews the sentence of death against Dante, (Nov.7)
Robert of Normandy (June 3)
Roberts, John (July 8)
Robertson-Smith, W. --his dismissal from Aberdeen College on account of
his views on Higher Criticism, (July 3)
Robespierre, Maximilien Francois Marie
Isidore de --his blasphemy, (May 7); urges the French National
Convention to acknowledge the existence of God, and the immortality of
the soul, (May 7)
Robinson Crusoe --cf. (Nov.29)
Robinson, Pastor John --f1ees to Leyden,
Holland to escape English persecution, (Feb.12), (Dec.11); gives the
benediction to the Pilgrims before their embarkation, (July 22); Death
of, (Mar.1)
Robinson, Robert --awakened under the
preaching of George Whitefield, (June 9); conversion under John Wesley,
(Dec.10); pens "Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing", (Dec.10); Death of,
(June 9)
Robinson, William (Oct.27)
Robson, Mary Ann --(Mrs. John Paten) (May 24); Death of, cf. (Jan.17)
La Rochelle, Battle of (Oct.28)
Rochette, Francis --his arrest and subsequent Death, (Feb.18)
Rochyzana, John (Jan.4)
"Rock Of Ages (Aug.11)
Rockefeller, John D. (May 25)
Rogers, John --his conversion to
Protestant-ism through the influence of William Tyndale, (Feb.4); his
translation of the Bible known as Matthew's Bible, (Feb.4); adopts the
pseudonym Thomas Matthew, (Feb.4); cited with John Hooper by Bloody Mary
Tudor, (Feb.9); England's first Marian martyr, (Feb.4)
Roget, Peter Mark (June 8)
Rolfe, John --baptism of, (May 6);
embarks from England for Jamestown and the subsequent death of his wife,
(May 6); the conversion of Pocahontas, and his marriage to, (May 6);
their arrival in England and the subsequent death of his wife, (May 6);
the destruction by Indians of Bermuda Hundred, (May 6)
The Roman Catholic Church and the Greek
Orthodox Church separate (July 16)
Romaine, William Birth of, (Sept.25);
the Calvinistic Connection, (Aug.24); of William Grimshaw, (Apr.7);
seized with mortal illness, (June 6); George Whitefield of, (Sept.25);
Death of, (July 26)
Rome --conflagration of, and the
subsequent persecution of the Church, (July 19); besieged by the
Lombards, (Nov.26); "Vandalized" by the Vandals, (Oct.19); sacked by the
Visigoths, (Aug.24); surrenders to the Goths, (Dec.17)
Rockwood, Ambrose (Nov.5)
The Root And Branch Petition (Nov.3)
Rose Green --the beginning of modern open air preaching, (Feb.17)
Rothman, Bernhard (June 28)
Roughead, Josiah (May 9)
Rousseau, Jean Jacques (Oct.5)
Rowlands, Daniel --assists in
establishing the Calvinistic Methodist Church in the South of Wales,
(July 21); denied ordination, (July 21); his narrow escape with death,
(Oct.16); his presentiment of his impending Death, (Oct.16); Death of,
The Royal George --the sinking of,
Rubens, Peter Paul --Birth of, (June 27); Death of, (May 30)
Rudolph II --acknowledges the right of
the free exercise of religion according to the confession submitted by
evangelical leaders, (May 23); cedes Bohemia to Matthias and the
subsequent renewal of restrictions, (May 23); the retaliation by
evangelicals, (May 23); the renewal of persecutions, (June 22); the
repeal of the Code of 1541, (July 25)
Ruet, Francisco de Paula --the conversion
of Manuel Metamoras to Protestantism, (Oct.8); the imprisonment of,
(Nov.18); his perpetual banishment from Barcelona, (Nov.18); founds the
Protestant church in Madrid, (Nov.18); Death of, (Nov.18)
Rullion Green, Battle of (Nov.28)
Rumohr, Emelia --(Mrs. William Carey) (May 30)
Rush, Benjamin --assists in founding the Sunday School Society, (Dec.19)
Rush, Richard, --cf. (May 31)
Russell, Admiral Edward (May 24)
Russia --Apraxin wars against Protestant
Prussia, (Dec.5); persecution under the Czarist regime, (Aug.23); the
Bolshevik Revolution and its outrages against the church, (Nov.7); the
Communist Party attacks the Church demanding the registration of all
churches, (Dec.21); outrages committed under Joseph Stalin, (Dec.21);
(Apr.16); the invasion of Latvia, (June16); the invasion of Lithuania,
(July 13); the invasion of Poland, (July 18); persecution under Nikita
Khruschev, (Apr.16); the enactment of the New Statutes, (Apr.16);
the Letter Of Instructions to all Pastors, (Apr.16); the
Anti-Parasite Law and its attempt to destroy full-time Christian
work, (Apr.16); a letter of protest written by Russian Baptists is sent
to Mr. Leonid Brezhnev, (May 16); Baptists stage a peaceful
demonstration protesting Religious intolerance, (May 16)
Russian Orthodox Church --persecution
under Communism, (Jan.23); the attack on the Petchersky Monastery,
Russian Social-Democratic Party (Dec.21)
Rutherford, Samuel --at the Westminster
Assembly, (July 1); teaches William Guthrie, (Oct.10); writes Lex Rex,
(Mar.30); Death of, (Mar.30)
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