"Fear not them which kill
the body, but are not able to kill the soul: fear Him which is able to
destroy both soul and body in Hell."
-Matthew 10:28-
Squanto (Dec.11)
St. Louis Bible Society --founded, (May 7)
Stalin, Joseph --(Joseph Vissarionovich
Dzhugashvili) --Birth of, (Dec.21); the death of his father, (Dec.21);
his deliberate starvation of millions through food manipulations,
(Dec.21); his bloody purges, (Dec.21); persecution under, (Apr.16); cf.
(Nov.29); his deportations of believers, (Dec.21)
Stalingrad --the surrender of the
invading German Army, (Feb.2)
"Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus (Mar.30)
Stanislaus --his denunciation of the
cruelty and licentiousness of Boleslas II, and his subsequent
excommunication and murder, (May 8)
Stanley, A. P. --his opposition to the
condemnation of the book Essays And Reviews, infamous for its
liberalism, (Feb.24)
Stanley, Henry --his search for
Livingstone, and his subsequent conversion, (Oct.28); his defense of
Christianity before King Mutesa (Jan.30)
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (Apr.21)
Star In the East (Jan.31)
Starrs, Rev. George (May 10)
Statute of 1552 --prohibits interest on loans, (July 7)
Stauff, Argula Von --lodges a protest on
account of the forcing Mr. Seehofer to deny the Gospel, (Sept.20); her
refusal to submit to any authority regarding the Word of God, (Sept.20)
Staupitz, Johann Von --codifies and
publishes the Constitution of the Augustinian Observantists, (Dec.28);
recommends Bible study, (Dec.28); brings Martin Luther to Christ,
(Dec.28); Death of, (Dec.28)
Stennett, Samuel --pens, "On Jordan's
Stormy Banks I Stand", "Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned", (Aug.24);
his influence upon John Howard, (Aug.24); Death of, (Aug.24)
Stephens, Archbishop --cf. (May 18)
Stephenson, Marmaduke --Death of, (Oct.27)
Stepinac, Archbishop --the arrest and imprisonment of, (Nov.29)
Stewart Margaret --(Mrs. John Knox) (Nov.11)
Stiefel, Michael --"mathematically" calculates the return of Christ,
Stillingfleet --cf. (Dec.12)
Stockfleth, Nils Joachin Christian Vibe
--Birth of, (Jan.11); the death of his father and mother, (Jan.11);
labors in Finland, (Jan.11)
Stoddard, Solomon --his espousal of the
Half-Way Covenant, and his favoring the liberalizing the restrictions to
the Lord's Table, (June 22); Death of, (Feb.11)
Stone, Barton --the Kentucky Revival,
(June 28); the "Christian" movement, (June 28)
Stone, Samuel (May 1)
Stone, William --appointed the first Protestant Governor of Maryland,
Stoughton, William --institutes the witchcraft trials in the Bay colony,
Stowe, Harriet Beecher --cf. (Jan.10), (May 14)
Straton, John R. --cf. (May 25)
Strozzi, Leo (July 31)
Studies In the Scriptures (July 15)
Stuyvesant, Peter --prohibits preaching
in New Amsterdam by "unauthorized" persons, (Feb.1); receives a petition
drafted by George Baxter calling for representation in government and
the recognition of civil liberty, (Feb.1)
Sudan Interior Mission --missionaries of
commanded to leave Ethiopia by the Italian Army, (Apr.16)
Summerfield, John --assists in founding the American Tract Society,
(June 13), Death of, (June 13)
Sunday Laws --the New Orleans police chief fined for not enforcing,
Sunday League --organized, and its defiling affect, (July 2)
Sunday Schools --founding of, cf.
(Nov.3), (Dec.16); the London Sunday School Union formed, (July 13);
Second convention of, (July 4); the first in America, (Mar.31); the
first in Greece, (June 29)
Sunday School Society --founded in
England, (Dec.19); established in the United States, (Sept.7)
Sunday, William --(Billy) --Birth of, (Nov.19); effects Prohibition,
(Dec.5); Death of, (Nov.7)
A Sure Guide To Heaven (Nov.17)
Susi and Chuma --find the body of David Livingstone, (May 1)
Suttee --abolished in India, (Dec.4)
Sweden --its elevation by Gustavus
Adolphus from a position of insignificance to the head of Lutheran
Europe, (Dec.9)
Swedish State Church --sends Oskar Herman
Hermansson to China, (Apr.7)
Sweet Singer of Methodism (Mar.29), (Dec.18)
Sweet Singer of Wales (Jan.11)
Swieter, Baron Von (Apr.29)
Swiss Brethren --send Gabriel Contessee to Laos, (Sept.4)
Switzerland --the first evangelical
church service held in Basel, (Feb.14); the Reformation formally
accepted by the city of Bern, (May 21); the Disputation of Bern,
(Feb.7); the Disputation of Baden, (May 21); Geneva votes to accept the
Reformation, (May 21); Mignet on the city of Geneva, (Sept.12); Zurich
enforces the daily public preaching of the Bible, (June 19); passes
perpetual banishment against Anabaptists, (Mar.19); the Cantons of
Zurich, Bern and St. Giles issues an edict declaring death by drowning
to all Anabaptists, (Sept.9); the banishment of Michael Sattler from
Zurich, (Nov.18); forbids private meetings, and requires total
submission, (July 29); freedom of worship acknowledged to all espousing
Christian confessions of Faith, (May 29); state primary education opened
to all, (May 29); a refuge to those fleeing Religious persecution, (May
1); the intolerance of the Canton of Vaud to English Methodists, (May
20); intolerance of toward Plymouth Brethren, (Nov.18)
Sword and Trowel (Jan.31)
Sydenstricker, Pearl --(See: Pearl Buck)
Syllabus of Errors (Dec.8)
Of Aachen (Mar. 23)
Of Amsterdam (1892) (Oct.29)
Of Ariminum tolerates Arianism, (Jan.23)
Of Boston First synod of (1657) decided in favor of baptizing
children of unregenerate parents, (June22).
Second Synod of (1662) espouses the Cambridge Platform, (June 22).
The Synod of (1680) adopts the Savoy Confession,
(May 12); cf. (Mar.17)
Of Breslau First synod of, (Apr.4). Second synod of, (Apr.4)
Of Cambridge checks the Antinomian Controversy, (June 8); cf.
Of Carthage (Nov.13)
Dutch Reformed Church First synod of, (June 2-18)
Free Church in Switzerland First Synod of, (July 29)
Of Hippo (Nov.13)
Of Homberg (Oct.21)
Of Missouri (May 7)
Of Orleans (July 10)
Of Oxford (Nov.18)
Reformed Church of France First Synod of, (May 26-28); Third Synod
of, (Apr.26); Seventh Synod of, (Apr.2); Eighth Synod of, (May 6)
Reforming Synod (Massachusetts (1679) (Sept.10)
Remonstrant Synod of Ulster (May 11)
Of Toledo Third Synod of (589) (May 8); Tenth Synod of (656)
Of Ulster the reasons of Alexander Carson declining all connection
with, (June 25); cf. (May 11)
Of Vienne (1112) condemns Lay Investiture, and the excommunication
of Henry V of Germany, (Sept.16)
Syrianus, Duke attempts the arrest of
Athanasius, (Feb.8)
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