Zaire --the
persecution of the Church under Joseph Desire Mobutu and his subsequent
indoctrination of Mobutism in schools in the place of Christianity,
David --assists in founding Bethlehem and Nazareth, Pennsylvania,
(Nov.17); influences the Delawares not to aid the British during the War
for American Independence, (Nov.17); the Wyandottes attack his mission,
(Nov.17); made a sachem and keeper of the Records by the Six Nations,
(Nov.17); his trial as an American spy and his subsequent acquittal,
(Nov.17); Death of, (Nov.17)
Zenger, John
Peter --the trial of, (Nov.17)
Zeus --the Temple of Jerusalem dedicated to, (Dec.15)
Ziegenhagen, Michael --cf. (Nov.25)
Bartholomew --Birth of, (June 14); baptizes the first five Protestant in
India, (May 12); translates the Bible into Tamil, (Feb.23); Death of,
--the banishment of its Protestant inhabitants, (Jan.12)
Count Nicholas Von --Birth of, (May 26); fosters the Moravian Church,
(May 9); his banishment from Saxony and the subsequent investigation of
Herrnhut, (Mar.20); the Moravian Revival, (Aug.17); arrives in
Philadelphia, (Nov.24); ordered by the Philadelphia magistrates to
surrender the Lutheran records and Communion vessels, and his subsequent
embarkation from Pennsylvania, (Jan.1); Death of, (May 9)
--the first Zionist Congress held, (Aug.28); the Basel Program drawn up,
Ziska --(See: John Trocznowski)
Zosimus --his opposition to Pelagianism, (Apr.30)
Zurich --the
Disputations of: the First Disputation, (Apr.13); the Second
Disputation, (Apr.13); the Third
Disputation, (Apr.13); the Fourth Disputation, (Apr.13)
Ulrich --Birth of, (Jan.1); his marriage to Anna Reinhard, (Apr.2); the
Disputation of Baden, (May 21); formally introduces the Reformation into
the city of Bern, (May 21); the Council of Marburg, and the subsequent
denunciation by Martin Luther, (Oct.1); his persecution of Balthasar
Hubmaier, (Mar.10); his doctrine of the Church, (Oct.12); the Battle of
Cappel and his subsequent Death, (Oct.12); his wife and children cared
for by Heinrich Bullinger, (Oct.12); his influence upon John Hooper,
Nicolas --cf. (Mar.6)
"Condemned, but not Guilty,
In Jail, but not a Prisoner."
"Ten thousand Deaths in every nerve,
I'd rather suffer than deserve!"
"Better, though difficult,
The Right way to go,
Than Wrong, though easy,
Where the End is woe."
"Right life for me is life that wends
By lowly means to lofty Ends."
-excerpts from John Bunyan-
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