In the early 1800’s, Charles Finney instituted the "Anxious Bench" as
an integral part of his evangelistic campaigns. This was the forerunner
of the present day "Altar Call", and though it was an unheard of
practice for the first 1800 years in the history of the Church, God
somehow managed to save "them that believed."
CHARLES FINNEY and HIS INFLUENCE: Mr. Finney was noted for his
irreverence because he espoused a very base view of God. It was nothing
for him to speak out during prayer or to use vulgarities in the pulpit
in an attempt to shock his hearers. In the first Chapter of his
Lectures On Revival he capsuled his Arminian theology by
stating, "Religion is the work of men," and it has resulted in the
attitude that "unless a minister has seen a soul saved on Sunday, he has
no right to golf On Monday;" and that "unless a church is growing
numerically, SOMETHING is wrong."
Finney’s premise, however, was wrong, and it is not possible to start
off wrong and to end up right. God is Sovereign over Revival, and though
in former days He moved upon large numbers of men in an unusual way
--convicting, reproving, converting, and correcting them, He has not
chosen to so move amongst us in our own generation. Is it any wonder
then that a large portion of the Modern Church has chosen to
"Counterfeit" Real Revival, and that it has grown fat and satisfied with
man-made results? Instead of earnestly seeking after the convicting
power of God, the Church of today has substituted "Crowd Manipulation,"
and instead of laboring to preach the Gospel in its simplistic purity,
the Word has been displaced by the "pleasing of men." But as the Apostle
Paul stated, "If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of
Christ." (Gal. 1:1Ob)
THE "PARTY" SPIRIT: The Modern Church is often characterized by a
"party spirit" complete with hamburgers and hot dogs, and clowns. Then
there is the "Mystery Seat" that may have either money or tickets for a
"vacation for two" taped under it for some "lucky winner." Then there
are the jars filled with nickels, dimes, and quarters into which the
person who has brought the most visitors may put his hand and take so
many as his greedy heart can wrap his fingers around. Even elephants
have had their day in church! Then, there are the quartets who vie with
Hollywood with their artistry imitating the sleazy attitudes of those in
the entertainment industry --all in an attempt to amuse the philistines
who attend.
"THE BUILDING PROGRAM:" Then came the Building Programs to
accommodate the crowds. And then it became necessary to put the Church
On a "solid, business-like foundation." To do this Businessmen were
appointed to its "Boards" and "Committees" –whether they were Godly men
or not. Piety thus became irrelevant. Such men with their Business
acumen declared it was necessary to keep the crowds coming in order to
finance the "Building Program." Since Bible truth is naturally offensive
to men dwelling under the just condemnation of God, Doctrine was diluted
or done away with completely; and since to Reprove such a "Mixed
Multitude" for their worldly practices would necessarily offend them,
they must never be Rebuked nor Disciplined.
In its zeal to daily add to its numbers --by Hook or by Crook, I
might add --Church Discipline ’eras dispensed with and was allowed to
become a "dead dog."
CHURCH DISCIPLINE: Today if a Church performs Biblical Discipline
upon a member in an attempt to restore him upon Repentance, he can go to
another church and the elders will with pitying eye receive him into
their midst and will extend to him the "Right Hand Of Fellowship."
Brethren, how can this be tolerated another moment?
The pulpit has thus become emasculate with Preachers who will not
pastor, and with Pastors who consistently go unprepared into the pulpit.
The pitiful plight of the Church today is the direct result of Pastors
who will not PREACH, and Preachers who will not "Pastor."
‘Should Christian parents lay up money for their children?’ I answer:
‘It is the duty Of every parent, who can, to lay up what is necessary to
put every child in a condition to earn his bread. If he neglect this, he
undoubtedly sins against God and Nature.’
"But should not a man lay up besides this, a fortune for his
children, if he can honestly?" I answer, "Yes, if there are no poor
within his reach; no good work which he can assist; no heathen region on
earth to which he can contribute to send the Gospel of Jesus; but not
otherwise. God shows in the course of His Providence, that this laying
up of fortunes for children is not right; for there is scarcely ever a
case where money has been saved up to make the children independent and
gentlemen, in which God has not cursed the blessing. It was saved from
the poor, from the ignorant, from the cause of God."
-Adam Clarke, Christian Theology, pp. 317,318
7, 1715 --France. Fenelon dies at Cambral. Revered for his mystical
approach to the Scriptures, he once declared, "Even though God –indeed
an impossible supposition--should destroy the souls of the Just, or
abandon them for eternity to the temptations and pains Of this life, or
condemn them for all eternity to the pains of Hell, these souls would
none the less love Him and serve Him faithfully."
19, 1684 --England; Having been driven from his pulpit by the
Ejection of 1662 because of his refusal to conform to the
Act of Uniformity which demanded all ministers in the English realm
to conform with the Episcopal liturgy found in the Church of England,
William Jenkyn dies today in the Newgate prison. He has been denied the
mercy of praying with his daughter.
In Whitehall Palace, Charles II jestingly falls upon his musicians to
play a tune known as "Jenkyn’s Farewell" when a nobleman courageously
addresses him, "Your Majesty, Jenkyn has got his liberty."
"Aye," says the King in surprise, "who gave it him?"
"A greater than your Majesty: Jenkyn is dead."
27, 98 --Italy. Domitian, the Roman Emperor whose past time was spent
in catching flies, is credited with boiling the Apostle John in oil, and
when the man of God survived, banished him to the Isle of Patmos. Nerva,
who succeeded him as Emperor, recalled him. Today at Rome, Emperor Nerva
dies, and is succeeded by Marcus Ulpius Trajan.
Trajan is a Spaniard by birth, and a soldier by profession, and after
subjugating the province of Bithynia Pontus, he will send Pliny, the
Younger to restore order there. Pliny will immediately perceive himself
face to face with a wide extension of Christianity. Consequently, the
worship of the gods will be in neglect. Pliny will feel his
responsibility embraces the maintenance of the state religion, and thus
he will interfere by virtue of his office. People admitting to the
charge against them of being Christians will he tried in court and
sentenced to death. Roman citizens, however, will be confined to the
"They affirmed," says Pliny, "the whole of their guilt or their error
was that they were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before
it was light When they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to
a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath not to any
wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft, or adultery,
never to falsify their word nor to deny a trust when they should be
called on to deliver it up..."
Trajan will regard the Christian confession as an offence worthy of
death. Those, however, who renounce their adherence to Christianity by
sacrificing to the gods, will go free.