


Dear J. C.                                                                                                           April 19, 1985

      ...You asked me to write what I considered to be the most unanswerable objections to Romanism. ...I will give you several.

      Where in the Word of God are we exhorted to pray for the dead? It was unheard of until 300 A.D. Where in Scripture are we exhorted to make the sign of the cross? It too was unknown until 300 A.D. Where did God reveal in His Word that we ought to use wax candles? And where does God instruct us in Scripture to venerate angels, and dead saints? Where does He tell us to use images?

       The Mass did not become a daily ceremony until 394 A.D. Where does God instruct us to observe the Mass? The term "Mother of God" was not used until the Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D. What is the Scriptural basis for it? Did she not pray and rejoice in God her Saviour? It was not until 500 A.D. that priests began to dress differently from laymen. What is the Biblical reason for doing so? And, what is the Scriptural basis for extreme unction? And, why was it not used until 526 A.D.?

      What is the Scriptural source for the doctrine of Purgatory, and why was it not a doctrine of the Church of Rome until 593 A.D.? What Biblical basis did Gregory I have for insisting Latin be used in worship and prayer? And, by what authority did he direct prayers be made to Mary?

     Where in the Word of God do we find the title of "Pope"? And, where in Scripture did Pope Constantine find the basis for kissing the Pope's foot? Such a thing was not even heard of until 709 A.D.

     What right does a true bishop have of accepting temporal power? The meek and lowly Jesus did not. And, by what authority was it decreed in 786 A.D. to worship crosses, and images and relics? Where in Scripture do we find holy water? And, by what authority was it decreed in 890 A.D. to worship Joseph? And, what is the basis for the College of Cardinals?

     What is the Biblical basis for the baptism of bells? or, of fasting on Fridays? or of fasting during Lent? Why is attendance upon the Mass an obligation? Is this Biblical? And, by what authority did Hildebrand decree celibacy for the priesthood when Solomon declared, "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord" (Proverbs 18:22)?

     Does the use of the Rosary originate in the Book of God? And, what was our Lord's attitude toward unbelievers whom the disciples would have destroyed? Yet, in 1184, the Inquisition was instituted by the Council of Verona.

     What is the Biblical basis for the sale of Indulgences? Did the Son of God instruct any such transactions? And, if there was any truth in the doctrine of transubstantiation, why was it unknown until Pope Innocent III declared it to be so in 1215?

     By what authority did Innocent III in 1215 begin auricular confession to a priest? Is there any basis for such in the Word of God? Why did Honorius III decree the adoration of the Host? Is there any Biblical foundation for it?

      What right did the Council of Valencia have to forbid the Bible to laymen? Are we not exhorted to "Search the Scriptures"? Is this not enjoined upon us by God Himself?

     By what authority did the Council of Constance refuse the cup to laymen? Is this what the Bible declares? What is the Biblical basis for the 7 sacraments? Does not Scripture tell us salvation is not by works, but by believing that Christ has finished the work of our redemption? By what authority did the Council of Trent declare tradition to be of equal authority with the Word of God? Is this what the Bible teaches? Is it not rather contrary to Scripture?

     What right did Pope Pius IX have in 1854 to proclaim the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary? Is this what the Bible teaches? And, why in 1864, did the Syllabus of Errors, issued by Pius IX, condemn freedom of religion? freedom of conscience? freedom of speech? freedom of the press? By what authority did the same Syllabus assert the Pope was sovereign over civil rulers? Is this a Biblical doctrine?

     Is it a Biblical doctrine that the Pope is infallible in matters of faith and morals? Is it Biblical to proclaim the assumption of the Virgin Mary? And, by what authority did Pope Paul VI in l965 proclaim Mary to be the "Mother of the Church?" Is this Biblical?

     The Roman Catholic Church is a man-made institution. It is not the church that Paul addressed, but it has repudiated the Word of God in order to enslave the minds and bodies of men and nations. It is not a Biblical institution. Is this what you choose?

     Where in the Bible do we find monks? monasteries? convents? Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, or All Saints Day? Christopher medals, assorted charms, etc.? I love you in the bonds of Christ, and it is my prayer that God will not deliver you up to a stiff neck and to a calloused heart, but that He will grant you repentance through His blood.

       "May God Smile On You"—J. S. Bach.



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