A Cult vs. True Religion
A cult is designed and controlled by man’s wisdom;
religion is defined and governed by God’s Word.
A cult requires blind loyalty and allegiance from its members;
True believers
are autonomous and free to disagree by conviction.
A cult is secretive, mysterious and obscure;
True believers
are open, plain and bold.
A cult keeps its members at various levels of ignorance;
True believers are set
free by the knowledge of the truth.
A cult leader must define his followers’ beliefs;
True believers can
give an answer of their own faith.
A cult must guard its members from strangers;
True believers can
speak with the enemies in the gate.
A cult holds its members by fear;
True religion
keeps its members by love.
A cult must measure its success by its number of followers;
True believers
are successful no matter how few.
A cult has a date of founding and no promise of lasting;
True religion began
with time and will last throughout eternity.
A cult reforms the natural man;
True religion
transforms into a new creature.
A cult cannot tolerate truth;
True religion cannot
tolerate error.
A cult carries as much authority as another cult;
True religion
must reign supremely alone.
A cult will satisfy the devil -- any cult will do;
True religion
infuriates the devil and all his cults, too.