Tito, Marshal Josip --abolishes the
monarchy of Peter II, and his oppression of the Church, (Nov.29); makes
civil marriage compulsory and confiscates printing presses, (Nov.29)
Titus --the fall of Jerusalem, (July 1)
Toleration, Act of – (May 24)
Tongues --occurs in the congregation of Edward Irving, (Aug.4)
Toplady, Augustus --Birth of, (Nov.4);
pens "Rock Of Ages", (Aug.11); of John Gill, (Oct.14); opposes the
Arminianism of John Wesley, (Aug.14); Death of, (Aug.11)
Tor Bay –(Nov.5)
Torquemada, Thomas de --appointed
Inquisitor-General of Spain, (Sept.16); instigates Ferdinand and
Isabella to issue an edict banishing all unconverted Jews, (Oct.31); his
cruelties against the Church, (Sept.16); Death of, (Sept.16)
Totila --leads the Goths in the capture
of Rome and the subsequent order to all clergy to quit the city,
Tours, Battle of – (Oct.10)
Toussain, Daniel --the persecution and
banishment of, (Oct.5); Death of, (Jan.10)
Toussain, Pierre --espouses Protestantism
and his subsequent flight, (Oct.5); the imprisonment of, (Oct.5); a
second flight, (Oct.5); Death of, (Oct.5)
Townshend, Charles --his argument before
Parliament of the justice of Britain in taxing the American colonies,
Trajan, Marcus Ulpius --his oppression of
the Church, (Jan.27)
"The Transfiguration” – (Apr.6)
Travers, Walter – (Dec.27)
Treasury of David –(Jan.31)
Treatise of Faith – (Oct.20)
Treaty --(See: Peace)
Trent, Council of –(Dec.13); requests the
Pope to ratify its Decrees and Definitions, (Jan.26); restricts the
printing and possession of sacred books, (Apr.18); cf. (May 18)
Tresham, Francis – (Nov.5)
Trinitarian Bible Society of London –its appraisal of the New English
Bible, (Sept.30)
Trinite, Count de la --his attack on the Waldensians, (Nov.2)
The Triumph Of Infidelity –(Jan.11)
Trocznowski, John (Ziska) --Birth of,
(Oct.11); at the Siege of Raby, (Oct.11); his revenge against the
Emperor on account of his betrayal of the safe conduct promised to John
Huss, (Oct.11); his military genius, (Oct.11); Death of, and the
subsequent succession of Procopius, (Oct.11)
Trumbull, Joseph --his letter to George
Washington on the assumption of the command of the Continental Army, and
the subsequent reply of Mr. Washington, (July 3); his letter of
encouragement to George Washington during the struggle for Long Island,
and the subsequent reply, (Aug.5)
Turkey --Saracens capture the city of
Thessalonica, (July 30); forbids the assemblies of heretics and the
ordination of heretical clergy, (July 25); attempts the murder of all
her Armenian subjects, (Apr.25)
Turner, Henry McNeal –(Feb.1)
Turpie, Alison --(Mrs. Ebenezer Erskine) --her influence in the
conversion of her husband, (June 22)
Tuscaroras –(Dec.1)
Twisse, William --opens the Westminster
Assembly, (July 1); Death of, (July 20); his body exhumed and buried in
a mass grave, (July 20)
Tyler, John – (May 24)
Tyndale, William --Sir Thomas More of,
(May 12); a letter warning Henry VIII of, (Dec.2); Henry VIII and
Cardinal Wolsey, representing Civil and Ecclesiastical authority charge
their emissaries to track him down, (May 12); shipwrecked, (Oct.6); his
betrayal, arrest, imprisonment and Death, (Oct.6); cf. (Feb.4), (July
4), (Dec.16)
Tyng, Dudley – (Mar.30)
Typus – (Aug.13)
Tyrannicide --condemned by the Council of Paris, (Feb.23); reversed by
Pope John XXIII, (Feb.23)
Tyrconnel --at the Battle of the Boyne, (July 1)
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