If my religion is only a
formal compliance with those modes of worship which are in fashion where
I live: if it costs me no pain or trouble, if it puts me under no rules
and restraints; if I have no careful thoughts and sober reflections
about it, is it not foolish to think I am striving to enter in at the
strait gate? How can it be said I am working out my salvation with fear
and trembling?
-William Law-
Uganda --Idi Amin tolerates Moslems,
Anglicans, Roman Catholics and the Uganda Orthodox churches while
banishes twenty-seven other Religious organizations, (Sept.20)
Ulrich, Duke (June 24)
Ultramontanism (Nov.5)
"Unbelief Arraigned And Condemned At The Bar Of God" (Nov.16)
Uncas (May 1)
Underhill, John (May 1)
Unigenitus --issues, (Sept.8); its condemnation of Jansenism,
(Aug.8); forbids laity the use of the Bible, (Aug.22)
Union of Atrecht --its formation to defend the authority of the Pope and
of the King, (Jan.23)
Union of Utrecht --its formation to oppose the secret alliance of the
Union of Atrecht, (Jan.23)
Unites Fratrum --(See: United Brethren)
United Brethren --origin of, (May 29); sheltered by Nicholas Von
Zinzendorf, (May 9)
United Brethren in Christ --the founding of the Young People's Christian
Endeavor Union, (June 4)
United Evangelical Church (Oct.14)
United Methodist Church --formation of, (Nov.16)
United States --a Religious test required
for public office in seven of the original states, (July19); Freedom of
Worship declared to be an inalienable Right by the majority of the
original states, (July 19). CONTINENTAL CONGRESS: sets their hands to
become a bundle of sticks", (Oct.25); first passes a resolution
forbidding the importation of slaves into any of the thirteen colonies,
(Apr.6); recommends the importation of twenty thousand Bibles,
(Sept.11); proclaims a national fast, (Apr.22), (July 20); calls for
individual states to appoint a day of fasting, (Dec.11); a committee of,
is requested to examine Robert Aitken's edition of the Bible, (Sept.1);
authorizes the first printing of the Bible in English in America,
(Sept.21); marches in procession to the Dutch Lutheran Church to render
thanks to God for the surrender of General Charles Cornwallis, (Oct.19);
authorizes George Washington to attack British-held Boston, (Dec.22);
votes upon the Declaration of Independence with New York abstaining,
(July 4); removes from Philadelphia to Baltimore at the news of the
approaching British Army, (Dec.12). UNITED STATES CONGRESS: adopts the
American Seal, (June 20); adopts the First Amendment to the
Constitution, (Dec.15); the origin of the National Motto, (Nov.30);
passes legislation for its appearance on all United States coins and
currency, (July 11); adopted by Congress as part of the Pledge of
Allegiance, (June 14). THE SUPREME COURT: rules as
Unconstitutional the Reading of the Bible or the Recitation of the
Lord's Prayer in Public Schools, (June 17); rules that to offer Prayer
in public schools is a violation of the First Amendment, (June 25)
United States Christian Commission
(Feb.11); cf. (June 16)
The Universal Priesthood of Believers --Luther on, (Nov.9)
Urban II --at the Council of Clermont, (Nov.18-28), (Nov.26)
Urban VIII --his jubilance over the
destruction of Protestant forces at Magdeburg, (June 28); his elation
over the death of Gustavus Adolphus at Lutzen, (Nov.6)
Uruguay --the establishment of a
Waldensian colony, (Aug.1-4)
Usshur, Archbishop James --Birth of,
(Jan.4); forbidden to attend the Westminster Assembly, (July 1); authors
the statement, "Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him
forever", (Jan.4); drafts the Articles of the Irish Church, (Mar.21);
his notes on Chronology, (Mar.21); Death of, (Mar.21)
Ustashi --their demonic cruelty inflicted
upon Orthodox Serbs in Yugoslavia, (Apr.17); their ties with Roman
Catholicism, (Apr.17); the protest raised by Metropolitan Josip,
Usury --a maximum of ten percent allowed
on loans by Henry VIII, (July 6); all interest opposed by John Hooper,
(July 6); all interest opposed on loans by Edward VI, (July 6)
Utrecht -- Treaty of, ends the War of
Spanish Succession (Queen Anne's War), (Apr.11); Union of, (Jan.23)
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