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Text: "...Give Diligence to make your Calling and Election sure.... " --II Peter 1:lOa The cleansing of our sins by the mercy of Christ is the very basis of Christianity; there they who have no concern for a pure and holy life do not know the fundamental properties of salvation. They may profess to be "saved", but if they lack a life to substantiate their claim, they are still in their sins, still without the Saviour, still without hope, still without God in the world --still strangers to Gospel faith, still continuing to wander in darkness, being yet blind to the light of God’s Word. The blood of Christ does not "catharize" His people only to be made filthy again. Since God chooses us and calls us for the purpose of being holy, purity of life is rightly regarded as an evidence of salvation. James writes, "Yea, a man may say ’Thou hast faith, and I have works: show me (that is, prove to me) thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works.’" --(James 2:18). Therefore, a profession of faith alone is insufficient to substantiate our claim of salvation: a godly life is the fruit of conversion. The life of the Christian man is as Henry Scougal’s book, The Life of God in the Soul of Man. A Christian faith and a Christian life are fraternal twins. The sons of God are distinguished from the Reprobate by this mark: they live godly lives, This is the aim of election. The word "Calling" is here used as the result or evidence of election. Our Election is founded on the eternal decree of God at which time our Calling is begun, and is finally perfected in time by His gracious mercy in Conversion. Give proof, therefore, of your election by your calling, that is, by your life so that your Election and Calling by the Gospel may not appear to be in vain. Part VII "It cannot be sufficiently deplored, that all suitable preparation for the marriage state is usually put aside for the busy activities of vanity.... Every thought and anticipation, and anxiety is too often absorbed in the selection of a house and furniture and in matters still more insignificant and frivolous. How common is it for a young lady to spend day after day and week after week discussing her ceremony, as well as the color, and form and material in which she is to shine forth in nuptial splendor, which ought to be employed in meditating the eventful step which is to fix for life her destiny, and that of her intended husband; as if the great object were to appear a gay and fashionable bride, rather than to be a good and happy wife! "’Study,’ said an old author, ’the duties of marriage before you enter into it. There are crosses to be borne, there are snares to be avoided, and manifold obligations to be discharged, as well as great felicity to be enjoyed. And should no provision be made? For want of this, result the frequent disappointments of that honorable estate, Hence that repentance which is at once too soon, and too late. THE HUSBAND KNOWS NOT HOW TO RULE; AND THE WIFE KNOWS NOT HOW TO OBEY.’" --John Angell James Text: "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth." --II Timothy 2:15 Among the people of God are those who study the Bible to analyze and magnify the language of Scripture. They have mastered syntax, so they can accurately explain sentence structure, as well as the proper grammatical uses. Yet, for all this, these "Preposition Chasers" often neglect the weightier matters of the law, that is, of Doctrine. The "Allegorical Interpreters" approach the Bible as a great book of mystery which is to be consistently interpreted allegorically. Since these saints believe their ability to discover hidden meanings within the text is a sign of their spirituality, they often allow their imagination to run wild. In effect, they reduce the Word of God to an intellectual puzzle. Yet, very often, these dear folks have themselves neglected the study of Doctrine. They are "Mesmerized Memorizers" who spend scores of hours learning how to recite large portions of the Book of God, but who fail to learn as well the teachings of those verses. While they labor to master the words, their understanding is apparently asleep. But, of importance are words divorced from their meaning? Other people study the Scriptures as a history book. The "Historical Enthusiasts" can tell in vivid detail the events of the Old and New Testaments. The kings, the battles, as well as the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul are diligently searched out, as are other facts of interest; but like the others, they all too often neglect the doctrines taught in the chapters of Holy Writ. How Important Is Doctrine! "Awe, doctrine is not important," a dear brother and fellow minister told me. I could not believe my ears! Then my friend continued with his reason for saying so: "because it causes STRIFE." Now, suppose I said, "I believe WORLDLINESS is not important because to preach against it genders STRIFE." Would you not have proper grounds to accuse me of "COMPROMISE?" And, if the Scriptures are to be divided into Faith and Practice, is not DOCTRINE, which is the very crux of Faith of equal importance as Conduct? And is not the neglect of preaching Doctrine because it genders "STRIFE" as great a reason to call for the brand of "COMPROMISER?" "The whole of Scripture is divided into "Faith and Practice", that is, "Doctrine and Conduct." Therefore to treat "DOCTRINE" as "Unimportant" is to literally "HALVE" the Word of GOD! JUNE 1, 1751 --"Having had more than ordinary work some past days, and being extremely low, my devotions were this day mingled and sadly interrupted; ...so that, in reflecting upon it, I was tempted to think that my time would have been more profitably employed in the usual business of the family and the academy, than in this retirement.... " so writes Philip Doddridge. 2, 1754 --Ebenezer Erskine dies at 74 years of age, As a defender of "Marrow Theology", he has preached the atonement of Christ is universal in its call to sinners. 3, 1879 --Francis Ridley Havergal dies at Caswell Bay, England. 1905 ---James Hudson Taylor dies at Chang-Sha, Hunan, China --the capital of the last province in Inland China to be opened to the Gospel. 9, 1834 --William Carey dies having labored in India for 41 years. 11, 1744 --David Brainerd, aged 26 years, is ordained by a presbytery to the Gospel ministry. 13, 1714 --Matthew Henry preaches on the text, "There remaineth a rest for the people of God" (Heb. 4:9). In nine days, he will die. 14, 1954--Congress adopts the words "Under God" as part of the Pledge of Allegiance. 15, 1215 --King John is forced to grant the Magna Carta, having formerly signed England away to the Roman Pontiff. |