
Sale --"Not For SALE" --Feb. 92
Salvation -- So Great Salvation --Feb. 1987 The Difficulty of Salvation --Feb. 1983 The Marks of a Converted Man --Sept. 83 The Satisfaction of Christ --Apr. 86 "Can Little Children Be Saved?" --Jul._2 1974 Not Saved! (Spurgeon) --May 1977 "When?" (Ryle) --Sept. 1977 "Lord, Are There Few That Be Saved?" --Apr. 1983 False Salvation -- The Erroneous Doctrine of Two Salvations --Oct. 1982 The Sodomizing of the Gospel (Faith Vs. Works) --Feb. 1984 Savonarola, Jerome (Giralamo) Part I --May 1975
II --May_2 1975 III--June 1975
Science. -Science Vs. Man (Otto Scott) --Feb. 1986
Scripture -- The Authority of Scripture --Mar. 1983 The Preservation of Scripture --June 1983 The Authenticity of the Last 12 Verses of the Gospel
According to Mark Part I --Aug. 1983
II --Sept. 1983 III--Oct. 1983
IV--Nov. 1983 Warnings for Believers --Feb. 1979
Scripture Texts Job 27:8-10 --The Hypocrite And His Hope --Aug. 1983 Psalms
-- 51:14.15 --"My Times Are In Thy Hand" --Jul. 1986 52:1,2
--An Exposition --Feb. 1980 39:1-7 --"The Measure of My Days" --Jan. 1980
84:1-5 --"How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings" --Mar. 1983
--May 1981 119:55 --The Thoughts of David in the Night --Apr_2. 1978 119:165 --An Exposition --Dec. 1980 159:13-18 --"I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" --May 1983
Proverbs -- 3:7 --(Bridges) --May 1977 4:23--(Flavel) "Keeping the Heart"--Mar. 1979 7: "Things Becoming An Harlot" --May 1978
13:14 --Oct. 1977 Isaiah 53:10 --(Duncan) --"He Shall See His Seed"--Aug. 1977 Jeremiah 8:20 -- (Spurgeon) --May 1977
Matthew -- 13:1-23 --Listening And Hearing --(The Sower) --Jan_2 1979 23:53 --,"How Can You Escape The Damnation of Hell?"
Feb_2 1980 Mark 4:1-20 --Listening And Hearing (The Sower) --Jan_2 1979 Luke 8:4-15 --Listening And Hearing (The Sower) --Jan_2 1979 13:25-30--"Lord, Are There Few That Be Saved?"--Apr. 1983
Acts 9:6 --"What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do?" --Mar. 1985
Romans 15:6 --"For This Cause Pay Ye Tribute" --Jun.1984 II Corinthians 13:5 --An Examination --Apr_2 1977
Thessalonians 1:7-10 --Jul. 1975 II Timothy 2:15 --Jun. 1977
Hebrews11:15 --An Exposition --Jan_2 1980
11:13-16--Aug. 1981
I Peter 2:3,4 --"Every Ordinance of Man" -Feb. 1987
II Peter 1:10 --June 1977 Second Work of Grace --May_2 1979
II Peter 3:9 --Apr. 96 I John 5:7 --T.D.F, Jr. --July-Sept. 99 Separation -- The Reason Alexander Carson
Gave For Leaving
The Synod of Ulster --Apr. 1980
Sin Sin: Its Plague and Its Cure --Dec. 1982
The Insidious Nature of Sin --Mar. 1979
Adam the Sinner Part I --June_2 1974 II --Jul. 1974 The Universal Sinfulness of Man (Adam Clarke) --Oct. 1978 Man Basically Sinful --Mar. 1974 Results of Sin --Judicial Blindness --Feb. 1984
Slander --Feb. 90 Socialism --
Social Security --The Kingdom of Antichrist --Sept./Oct.1986 Say "NO" To Socialism...Refuse Government Money.
Nov./Dec. 91 Social Security Number --Sept. 87
Solomon Part I --Sept./Oct. 1986 II --Nov./Dec. 1986 III--"On Vanity" --Jan. 1987 Songs -- "Somewhere out There" --by T.D.F, Jr. --Oct.-Dec,
and Spirit -- Apr. 88
Soulwinning --Soulwinning and the Local Church--Jul_2 1975
The Spirit-Filled Life --May 1986
Being Filled With The Spirit --True and False Evidences
--Dec. 1983
Spurgeon --A Circus Performer? --Dec. 1976
Strangers and Pilgrims --Aug. 1981
Strictness --"Sir, You Are Too Strict!" -(Spurgeon) --Oct_2.
1977 Submission -."Just Following Orders--T.D.F, Jr.
Sucat-- (on St. Patrick) --Mar. 1974
Suffering Oct. 1981
How To Handle Suffering -By Catherine Walcott Mar 94
Sunday --Sunday Referendum
Part I -. Oct. 1974
II - Nov. 1974