
Fables --
Cunningly Devised vs. A More Sure --What is the Chaff
to the Wheat? --TDF, Jr. --Oct.-Dec. 99
Faith --
The Faith of Noah --Apr. 1975
Faith vs. Works --The Sodomizing of the Gospel--Feb. 1984
Family --
One Flesh --Jun. 1981
Family Worship --Nov_2_ 1976
Cultivation of Christian Families --Apr. 1984 Parents --Jan.
The Iniquities of the Fathers Visited upon Their Children --Feb.
"A Man's First Responsibility" --Sept. 1982
(Letter by Stuart Latimer demanding retraction) --Nov. 1982
On Taking Command of Our Children and Family --Jan. 88
Famine --The Promised Famine --June 89
Fatalism --The Erroneous Doctrine of two Salvations --Oct. 1982
"Fellows" History. --
A. Judson, Anna (Fellows) --Dec_2_1976
B. Children Grads
Timothy --June 89
John --June 91
Anna --May 95
C. Pastor Fellows illness and updates—
A plea for prayer –Oct./Nov. 96
Editor updates –Dec.96/
Jan.97/Feb-Mar 97/
Sep.97/May-June 98
D. Pastor Timothy. Arrested for Giving Out Tracts –Jan./Feb./Mar
E. Marriages
John and Robyn –Sep. 97
Tim, Jr. and Andrea –Jan./Feb./Mar. 2000
F. Birth of Jemima Grace Fellows –Jan./Feb./Mar. 2001
G. Pastor Fellows with the Lord –Final Issue 2003
Food: Clean and Unclean --Nov. 89
Forgiveness –
Aug. 1974
Apr. 1985
Cheap Forgiveness –by TDF, Jr. –Jul./Aug./Sep. 2000
Four Brilliant Stars -- Aug. 89
Freedom --Jul. 1974
(Smiles on) --May 1981
(Clifford Oden on) --Sept. 1983
Union Mentality --A Justification Of Independence --Mar. 1985
Personal Freedom --Nov./Dec./ 1986
Freemasonry: Is It Compatibly With Christianity? --May 87
French Revolution: Its Causes and Its Rationale --Jan. 88/
Fundamentalism--Failing, ? or Failing "Fundamentalists” --by TDF,
Jr. --Mar./Apr. 98
Fundamentalist’s Prayer --TDF, Jr. Mar./Apr. 98
Fundamentalists Roaming Catholic –by TDF, Jr. --Apr./May/Jun.
“Definition of a Heretic” –by John Gill –Apr./May/Jun. 2000
Sheep vs. The Shepherd –Jan./Feb./Mar 2001
The baby has arrived – against the efforts of Fundamentalists
–Jan./Feb./Mar. 2001
Quote by A. W. Tozer –Apr./May/Jun. 2001
Article by C. H. Spurgeon –Apr./May/Jun. 2001
“A Perverted Gospel vs. The True Gospel” –Metropolitan Press
–Jul./Aug./Sep. 2002
“A Fundamentalist Apology” –Knee O. Fundamentalist –Tongue In
Cheek Publications –
Jul./Aug./Sep. 2002