Parable, A --Oct. 90 (on US)
A Parable --June 93
Parents –
Jan. 1983
Parents -May 89
Parental Responsibilities --Apr: /May 93
Parental, and Societal Hypocrisy --June 96
The Passover --Dec. 1984
Pastors --(See: Preaching)
Spiritual Rulers: Their Treatment and Their Accountability
--May 1981
Quack Preachers --June 1975
The Dangers o£ an Unconverted Ministry --Mar. 1978
Youth Pastors, and Euthanasia --TDF, Jr. --Aug. 97
St. Patrick --Mar._2 1974
"Pelagianism" --TDF, Jr.
--Feb. 98
Penitens --The Sad Death of Penitens --Jan_2 1976
Persecution --
A History of Persecution --Dec. 1983
The Blessing of Persecution --Mar. 1986
Perspective –by TDF, Jr. –Jan.-Jun. 2002
Philosophy –
Determinism VS. Fatalism-- Sept.
(Timothy Dwight on) --Dec_2 1978
"I Cannot But Think..." (Matthew Henry) --Sept_2.1978
Christian Philosophy --Jul._2 1974
Physicians: He Sought to The --Apr. 90
Pilgrims --
The Mayflower Pilgrims --Nov. 1977
Strangers and Pilgrims --Aug. 1981
Pilgrims --Sept. 1976
Pilgrims Bible Church--Sept_2
Planting --
Cultivation and Divination --Apr. 1984
Hybridization --Mar. 1984
Pornography --Oct. 1985
Pothinus --The Death of Pothinus --May 1978
Poem –
"Angelus"- Frank Fellows--March
“On A Bridge” -- from a Welsh Book, 1855 (reprinted from
"The Christian Pathway" July-Aug. 95) Rid. T. L. Webb, Jr.,
Ed. --Sept. 95
“Somewhere Out There” –TDF, Jr. –Oct./Nov./Dec. 99
“The Day of Wrath” --Jul./Aug./Sep. 2000
“Where Shall you be?” --Jul./Aug./Sep. 2000
“Skeleton In Vestments” –Frank Fellows –Apr./May/Jun. 2000
"The Vaudois (Waldensian) Missionary"- John Greenleaf
Whittier-- Feb_2 1975
Politics –
Religion and politics --Jan. 93
Some Observation On The Georgia Republican Convention --July
Pope Joan --
Part I --Dec.-94/Jan. 95
Part II --Feb. 95
Part III --April 1995
"Praise The Lord" --Some Observations On The Scandal
“Ministry” –June 87
Prayer –
Sept_2 1974
When God Turns A Deaf Ear, or When Prayer and Worship Are
Refused --Apr./May 91
The Prophet's Forgotten Prayer --Jan. 92
A Plea For Prayer by Timothy Fellows, Jr. --Oct./Nov.96
No "Free Will" Prayers from, "Free Will-A Slave"
(C. H. Spurgeon) --Oct.-Dec. 99
Prayerlessness: The Tell-Tale Sign of Unbelief --Dec. 90
Preaching --
(Gilbert Tennent on) --Sept. 1977
(Solomon Stoddard on) --Sept_2 1977
(John Brown on) --Jan_2. 1978
(Charles Spurgeon on) --Jun. 1986
(T. E. Martin on) --Sep. 1978
The Pleasing of Men (Thos. Boston) --Feb._2 1978
How to Hear --Nov. 1985
Righteousness: The Missing Ingredient in Modern Preaching
--Nov./Dec. 91
On Expositional and Topical Preaching --TDF, Jr.-May 97
"Exposition Must Have Application" by A. W. Tozer --May 97
“The Top Ten People You Probably Won't See "Respond" to A
Public Invitation" At Your Church or School –TDF, Jr.
Predestination --(Richard Fuller on) --Apr. 1979
Prejudice --The "Massa" Mentality --Jul. 1984
Presbyterians --"Augusta, Ga.” (in the Confederacy) --Dec.
Pretenders --Sept. 1982
Priesthood –
The Priesthood of Believers --Dec. 1983
The Oppression of Priesthood--June 87
Priorities --A Study in Priorities --Jan. 1983
The Promises of God --May_2 1974
"The Lamb Is Exalted" by Stevens --Sept. 89
Psalm 15 --Aug. 91
"The Bible Stands" by Haldor Lillenas
Apr-June 99
“The Day of Wrath” --Jul./Aug./Sep. 2000
Psychology: The New Neo-orthodoxy --Nov. 90
Puritan Piety --Nov. 1977
"O Thou, My Soul" - Krishna Pal-- Nov.
A Puzzle --May 1983