Man –
The Nature of Man --June_2_1975
Neither Male nor Female: To What Degree? --Sept. 90
Marriage –
(Tertullian on) --Sept. 1978
The Marriage Ring --(John Angell James on) --Oct. 1985
Part I --Jan. 1977
II--, Jan_2 1977
III --Feb_2. 1977
IV --Mar. 1977
V --Apr. 1977
VI --May 1977
VII--June 1977
VIII--July 1977
IX --Sep_2_1977
X --Oct. 1977
XI --Nov_2 1977
XII --Dec_2_ 1977
XIII--Feb_2 1978
XIV--Apr_2 1978
Divorce --May 1982
On Marriage --Feb./Mar. 97
"One Flesh" --June 93
Marrow Theology --June_2 1977
Materialism --(See: Giving)
(Cotton Mather on) --Nov. 1982
"One Thing Is Needful" --Jan.
(Letter from Stuart Latimer demanding retraction
And the answer) --Nov. 1982
Maturity --"For Mature Audiences Only" --Apr. 1983
Military --
The Chaplains Insignia --Mar. 94
Homosexuals In The Military? (Instituted by Gen.
Washington) --Nov. 94
Mind --
What Is Wrong With Viewing Pornography, Watching
Certain Television Programs, etc. --Dec_2_1977
Ministers --
Too Many Ministers --Feb. 1983
The Call to Minister --Jan./Feb. 89
When God Withholds His Gospel --Apr. 89
The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry by Gilbert
Tennent --March 78
“Not By Might, Nor By Power" --Sept. 90
Miranda, The Life of --Nov. 87
"Mission -. The Mission of the Son of Man" by Charles
Spurgeon --Apr.-June 99
Money --The Love of Money -. The Root of All Evil--
Feb. 94
Moon --The Unification Church of Reverend Sun Myung
--July/Aug. 87 And,
Sept. 87
Moral Softness --May 1986
Morality –God's Legislated Morality --Nov. 1984
Mother --(Abigail Adams on) --Jan. 1987
"Dear as you are
to me, I would much rather you should have found your grave
in the ocean you have crossed, or that an untimely death
have cropped you in your infant years, -than see you an
immoral, profligate, or graceless child." --Abigail Adams
(Wife of President John Adams to her son John Quincy Adams
later to become the sixth President of the United States.)
--Apr.-June 99
Music --
"Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs" --Jul_2_1974
An Earnest Plea Concerning Congregational Singing --Sept.
Music That Is Christian --Jan. 94
Music and Musical Instruments, Of--July 90
The Nature of music --Feb. 92
Charismatic Music Permeating the Churches -- by
David Cloud --A. June/July 97
B. Aug, 97
Mutiny! (The Story of a Christian School)
Part I--Feb. 92
Part II--Mar. 92
Conclusion --June 92