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Text: "Not everyone that saith unto Me, ’Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in Heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ’Lord, Lord, have we not Prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name have cast out devils? and in Thy name have we done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess unto them, ’I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.’" --Matthew 7:21-23 A very large percentage of people who now profess to he "saved" and "born again" will be suddenly exposed as "Pretenders." They now declare themselves to be converted, and they sit among the people of God. Their conversion is studded with pious terms --but they have never been truly converted. They are the Tares among the Wheat --a Generation who are pure in their own eyes who are not washed from their filthiness. "Many" --who now expect the Mercy of God will be amazed to find there is no mercy for them. They may have raised their hand requesting prayer. They may have "walked the aisle" and "asked Jesus to come into their heart." They may have been baptized and "joined the church." They may have reformed their manners, and they may be active in the congregation of the righteous. Yet, they have never been "saved" at all. There is a day coming when in disbelief and in utter consternation they will cry, "Lord, Lord!" and then they will begin to remind the Lord of all their Good Deeds. Their Hope for Heaven is based upon Good Works. They have "Prophesied" in His name. In His name they have "cast out devils;" and in His name they have done "many works full of wonder." Our Lord does not contradict their claim. So Judas was empowered by Christ to "heal the sick, cleanse lepers, raise the seed," and to "cast out devils" but was himself cast out to the Devil. (See: Matthew 10: 1-10) There are "Many" --a great multitude, who presently feel no danger and so expect none –but there is coming a day when "fearfulness will surprise the hypocrites." (Isaiah 33:14) The Lord Who knoweth them that are His, will profess to them He has never known them --that He has no interest in them --that they are not His people. While they Pretend to be Christians, they continue to work iniquity. They practice Evil: it is their stated course. Nevertheless, while they willingly continue to work iniquity, they stupidly expect the mercy of God. Though they feel no harm, they are nonetheless in Harm’s way because they have never been truly born again. Christ has never made them a new creature: they live as they have always lived. But all whom the Lord "saves," He changes --and if the Lord has not changed a person’s attitude toward the things of this world, that man is not converted. An awful sentence awaits this vast number of self-professed saints. First, they will hear the dreadful words, "Depart from Me!" --that is, "Depart forevermore!" "Leave now!" Thus they will be rejected by the Saviour Himself and be cast out as unprofitable servants. While in loving-kindness the Lord has drawn others to Himself, these people are left to perish in their sins. "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." These people are Pretenders, yet the Lord does not expose them until the great and notable day of the Lord come. Some have deceived themselves, and the Lord does not "undeceive" them, but gives them up to Judicial Blindness until they are unable to discern their true condition. They thus comfort themselves in a false security until they "fill up the measure of their Iniquity." Reader, are you Pretending to be a Christian? Would you be satisfied to die in your sins and be sent to Hell? Yet by your life you appear quite content to remain as you are because you have lived these many years without much concern for your soul even though you were not assured of any one of those days.-- And STILL you continue as you are. Have you any concern that God might this day require of you your soul? Are you not rather content to die as you are and in Hell to lift up your eyes in torment? NOTE OUR CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER We have moved into the church building in order to make payments. The Bon Air Hotel has closed for renovation, and the First Advent Christian Church here in the city has been gracious in allowing us the use of their old facilities. Last month we said these facilities are for sale for $40,000 which the Adventists will finance at 10% for ten years. However, they have stated their willingness to sell for $30,000 if they do not need to finance it. We stated in our last issue that if each reader of the Angelus would help us by sending $27.27 this could be a reality. Seven people responded with the stated amount. We praise God for them. They represent 1/2 of 1% of our readers. Others have stated their intention, but we need your help now. Will you help us? One Baptist pastor has expressed his intention to bring us before the men of his church and consider us as one of their missionary works. If ten churches of the 600 who receive the Angelus would "adopt" us for $35 each month, it would enable us by the Grace of God to establish a work among this people. We held services for three weeks without the use of electricity until one dear man made an awful sacrifice and willingly gave us a check to turn on the power and to make our first month’s payment. And, One man gave us 13 gallons of paint. May the Lord be gracious unto them. We have some critical plumbing needs. First, we cannot have hot water until the clogged heaters are cleaned and the cut off valves altered. Second, one sink is completely unusable, while another sink and commode leak. Third, we need our 25 year old gas stove replaced. "A Brother is born for adversity" --"Brethren, pray for us." -------------- CASSETTE TAPES --are "free." We do not wish to "peddle" the truth of God. However conscience should prick us to acknowledge common responsibility. In the last three months we have had requests for 200 tapes, and have mailed 160. However, a total of $4.00 has been given to help us in purchasing, duplicating, and mailing the tapes. There is a Truth that most Christians are willing to hide from, but one that sinners are more often willing to acknowledge. That Truth is that "A man’s first responsibility is not to his family." The idea that "our family comes first" cannot be validated either by the Word of God or by Reason. For instance, is the Soldier’s first responsibility to his family whose country is in danger? Would we not consider him a Traitor, and his conduct dishonorable who would think first of himself and of his own? Should the fireman standing beneath a soul surrounded by flames first consider his own safety and the welfare of his family? Should a doctor forego administering physic to the patient whose contagion has not been diagnosed for fear of contracting the disease himself, and thus possibly leaving his family to fend for themselves? The Gospel of God involves issues far weightier than an earthly government, or physical life: it involves the state of man until the time when God dies --and that will never be. Yet while the cases of the soldier, the fireman, and the doctor will not be argued, the work of God is often held in such slight importance that we must not "neglect" providing the comforts, and security of our family. May God forgive us. ------------ "EXTERNALS" -- There are some people who consider Christian conduct as so much externalism as if Christianity was never intended to extend to the external part of man. Man, however, is composed of both an Internal part, as well as an External part. While Faith answers to the Internal part, Practice is designed for the External part of man. While a man’s Creed is to be "sound doctrine," his Conduct is to consist of "things becoming sound doctrine." True Faith is shown by Works. A Faith that is all "Internal" and that does not reveal itself in "external" works is a dead, no account Faith. |